Wikiloc will stop soon for maintenance



I'm primarily an OFF-TRACK SEQ explorer. I try to leave meaningful notes and videos on most of my trails unless if I'm feeling lazy. Check them out and follow at your own risk. If I've uploaded it, guess means it can be done!

Go prepared, be careful, and get out and explore this amazing land God has given us. Most importantly, disregard anyone who gets too opinionated about what you can and can't post on Wikiloc. These people are called DALEs (Dominant Arrogant Loudmouthed Elitist) in our world-wide hiking community and possess the following 7 key characteristics:
1. They believe they are the point-of-truth and holders of knowledge on all things hiking
2. They have an arrogance that exudes in all they speak or type
3. They have nothing positive nor encouraging to share on trails other hikers post and will absolutely demean anyone who doesn't align to their view
4. They are wanna-be Rangers upon the trails
5. They will threaten to report you to "authorities" if you post any off-track routes
6. They hate rocky cairns and trail biscuits
7. Finally, the giveaway trait is they are completely oblivious and ignorant that they possess and demonstrate the above characteristics

Remember, it's important to promote humility, respect, and open-mindedness within the hiking community, encouraging an inclusive and supportive environment for all.

If you want to look over my Trails and Notes, feel free but #dontbeadale who feels its their duty to police what other hikers post or share. This world is filled with enough Karens, we definitely don't need more DALEs.

I wear the one and only, distinctly unique, and absolutely versatile Frillneck Araphat Hat, or the "Urban Turban" - it's the best head and neck sun protection clothing made in this universe for those who enjoy getting out!

Psalms 95:3-6
For the LORD is the great God, the great King above all gods. In His hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to Him. The sea is His, for He made it, and His hands formed the dry land. Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker. 😉

Member since  November 2018
