

Da molti anni pratico l'escursionismo , prediligendo gli ambienti mediterranei , insulari e vulcanici.

IMPORTANT NOTE AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE USE OF MY WIKILOC ROUTES All information, opinions, observations and evaluations displayed in my Wikiloc paths are based on my personal experiences. This information must absolutely NOT be intended as a sufficient guarantee to be able to carry out these routes in total safety. Consequently, the liability deriving from use will be EXCLUSIVELY borne by those who use them. The evaluation of the difficulty of the routes that I share may not coincide with that of other users, since this is a subjective judgment that depends among other things on experience, physical fitness and personal equipment. The routes can be the result of using more trails, signposted or not, or even weak tracks. We may not find information signs or signs along the route or part of it, so it is advisable to use a GPS device to help us follow them. It should be noted, however, that the GPS positions displayed are not necessarily an exact guide, but an orientation of the path, since the GPS positioning may not be successful or not exact, especially in areas of ravines, tunnels, caves, etc. or due to device limits. . The waypoints and associated photos may also not exactly match that location. I recommend reading, if available, the written information about the route before making it , as they may contain relevant data in this regard. It should also be borne in mind that rains, landslides, etc ..., can alter the state and layout of the tracks, roads and paths.
In conclusion
We have taken all reasonable steps to ensure these walks are safe and correctly described. However things do change and all outdoor activities involve a degree of risk. The publishers accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions or for any injuries or accidents that occur whilst following this walk.

Member since  September 2014