Around Aggtelek
- Distance
- 57.05mi
- Elevation +
- 5709f
- TrailRank
- 42
Alsószuha - Aggtelek Route can be done only with local authority permission!!! The trip was organized and lead by local guide!
Alsószuha - Aggtelek Route can be done only with local authority permission!!! The trip was organized and lead by local guide!
Round trip to sea eye. You can walk well with the family. If you want to go around the eye, I recommend sturdy shoes. But it also works with good sneakers
This is actually the last part of a longer day hike. It starts from the Tokaj's train station and follows part of the green and red trails. It also includes an unsuccessful attempt to hook the Mária Út trail right after ...
Important: the most of the trip crosses private and state forests. Permit is needed from the owners and local authority!!! The trip was organized and lead by local guide!
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Get Wikiloc Premium Upgrade to remove AdsVery nice track, some roads on the map aren't there anymore so we had to turn around. There were a lot of animals. :) Some nice views on the valleys.
ActivityWalking Distance10709 m Created2023-05-21 11:10:26 Max. speed10.3 km/h Pace19:06 min/km Energy632 kcal Points1094 AllSpeed > 0 Avg. speed3.1 km/h3.8 km/h Track time3:24:352:46:58 Min. altitude198 m Max...
Total duration: 1h30; sadly the battery failed and the way back was not recorded. however, it is a loop trail, very enjoable, with the awesome Regec castle at the top and back to the Regec village till the parking area.
First half is nice. The second half is rough, unmaintained, with several dead trees blocking the way. We did it after several weeks of sometimes it felt like non steering at all.
Nice route, quite slippery we used our winch two times. There were some pieces of clay. We drove in a Jeep Grand Cherokee 1997.
After cutting through several logs and mudholes, this turns out to be a dead end (locked gate). However, if you go back 1-2 km from the end and take mx other route HU Korlat, you shall find a way out
Végre a Bükkben túráztunk. Gyönyörű volt, az időszakos forrásban is volt víz, életemben először láttam ezt. Mesés táj, nem volt túl sok ember sem. Kicsit mászós a dolog Vörös-kő és Tar-kő között, de abszolút megéri. Vala...
noshát: a Görömbölyi-pincesor (geocache) megnézése után átautóztunk Miskolctapolcára a sziklakápolnához (geocache) majd megint autóztunk, de jobb híján végül a sziklakápolna elé visszatértünk és innen indult a gyalogtúra...
a Hereg réten parkoltunk, irány a Vöröskői-forrás , innen fel Tarkőre, ezután az Imókői-forrásra voltunk kíváncsiak, ezután zártuk a kört. Két geocache is meglett : Vöröskői-forrás, Tarkő
Kisgyőr - Bekénypuszta - Alsó-Kecskevár - Ilona-kút - Ilona völgyi víznyelő - - IV. Béla emlékmű - Bükkszentkereszt
National blue trail (OKT 23) from Putnok to Mályinka, passing by Három-kő-bérc, Uppony, Lázbérci-víztározó and Dédestapolcsány, and finally going back to Dédestapolcsány.
National blue trail (OKT 23) from Dédestapolcsány to Bélapátfalva, passing by Mályinka, Bánkút, and Cserepes-kői-barlang.
National blue trail (OKT 24) between Bódvaszilas and Aggtelek, touching Szádvár, Derenk, Szelcepuszta and Jósvafő.
National blue trail (OKT 25) between Abaújszolnok and Bódvaszilas, touching Nyésta, Felsővadász, Inota, Rakacaszend, Tornabarakony, Martonyi Abbey ruins and Bódvarákó.
Füzér, Füzérkomlós, Hollóháza Bodó-rét
Figyelni kell, hogy működik e a forrás, mert száraz időben nincs vízhozam, most viszont szépen ment. Az út kétharmada könnyen járható, szép kilátásokkal. Az utolsó kb 1km nincs kijárva, nehéz megtalálni a nagy útról a le...
Da Tokaj; subito dopo la colazione prendiamo l'autostrada in direzione Budapest. Abbiamo deciso di ritornare per visitare il resto della città che non siamo riusciti a vedere . Arrivati sull'Isola Margherita lasciamo i b...
Hike around Cserépfalu.
Az én Kékem 15.
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