Mountain Bike

The Best Mountain Bike Trails in Wan Tau Tong, Hong Kong (general) (Hong Kong)

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    牛牯嶺行山徑實為一條舊有並已荒廢的軍車路,後區議會將它略加修輯並樹立多個路牌,而路牌明顯與郊野公園的大大不同。牛牯嶺行山徑由大埔林村向北大刀刃伸延而上,全長2.6公里,至車路盡頭接回山徑,山徑穿梳林間,再上路分支為二,續上是北大刀刃,下走可經蝴蝶山到粉嶺火車站。 今日一行七人,由大埔墟火車站出發,沿大埔單車徑經太和邨、水圍到林村,然後沿著這條都算很斜的牛牯嶺行山徑而上,正因為山徑頗斜,中途兩次落地推車,當開始平緩時,已是車路盡頭,正式進...

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Wikiloc is a place to discover the best outdoor trails for hiking, cycling and many other activities

We are 16M members sharing 60M outdoor trails and 110M photos