
The Best Hiking Trails in Kwangjang-dong, Seoul (South Korea)

82 trails

Photo of 광나루역~아차산 3층석탑~아차산~범굴사~우미내마을 Photo of Achasan - Seoul Dulle-gil Section 2 Photo of 용마산 아차산

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    출발시각: 09/16/2016 12:33도착시각: 09/16/2016 16:16이동거리: 7.1 km (03:43)이동시간: 02:13평균속도: 1.92 km/h평균이동속도: 3.21 km/h최고속도: 6.5km/h최저고도: 16 m최고고도: 293 m상승속도: 236.5 m/h하강속도: -192.2 m/h고도상승: 390 m고도하강: -384 m상승시간: 01:39하강시간: 02:00

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