Wikiloc Premium

All the exclusive features included

Get a FREE 14-day trial

Outdoor Navigation

Outdoor Navigation

Guide yourself along millions of outdoor trails from your smartphone with heading indicators, a compass and audio clues. It even works offline!

Internet needed for in-app trail search & saving as well as offline maps downloading.
Route Planner

Route Planner

Create your personalized trail safely. Choose the places you want to pass through; Wikiloc will create a trail using the most popular stretches of trails from other community members.

3D Maps

3D Maps

Experience trails in vivid detail, from summits to valleys. Embark on a virtual route for a realistic 3D view.

Search by Passing Area

Search by Passing Area

Find trails starting or passing through your selected areas.

Perfect for planning your next trail with those essential must-sees.

Send to your GPS

Send to your GPS

Download trails from Wikiloc directly to your Garmin, Apple Watch, Suunto or COROS.

Feature available for compatible devices.
Live Tracking

Live Tracking

Share your location with friends and loved ones during an activity.

Perfect when you're alone or in a race and want to share your location.

Available from the App. Requires Internet access.
Weather Forecast

Weather Forecast

Check the weather forecast to plan the perfect outdoor activity.

A great hint to help you choose your outdoor gear and clothing!

Ad-free Browsing

Ad-free Browsing

Improve your experience with pleasant navigation free of advertisements.

Wikiloc ORG profiles and trails will still be highlighted to you for its usefulness and quality.
Specific-member Trail Search

Specific-member Trail Search

We all have that friend who shares great trails.

Now search for trails by profiles.

Advanced Filters

Advanced Filters

Find trails only from people you are following.

Filter by recording date (last month, quarter, year).

Filter by recording month: mark one month or more to find trails recorded in a specific season.

Trail Lists

Trail Lists

Organize the trails you like in lists and share them with your friends.

Create your own lists to save your favorite trails, set goals or even plan future trips!

1% of your contribution for the Planet

1% of your purchase goes directly to 1% for the Planet, a global network of businesses, nonprofits and individuals working together for a healthy planet.

What you will get:

Features Free Premium
Discover new trails
Upload your trails to Wikiloc
Offline Maps (follow trails offline)
Navigate your own trails and those on Wikiloc ORG profiles
Navigate other users' trails
Route Planner
3D Maps
Search by Passing Area
Send to your GPS
Live Tracking
Weather Forecast
Ad-free Browsing
Specific-member Trail Search
Advanced Filters
Trail Lists
1% for the Planet Contribution


Discover new trails
Upload your trails to Wikiloc
Offline Maps (follow trails offline)
Navigate your own trails and those on Wikiloc ORG profiles


Discover new trails
Upload your trails to Wikiloc
Offline Maps (follow trails offline)
Navigate your own trails and those on Wikiloc ORG profiles
Navigate other users' trails
Route Planner
3D Maps
Search by Passing Area
Send to your GPS
Live Tracking
Weather Forecast
Ad-free Browsing
Specific-member Trail Search
Advanced Filters
Trail Lists
1% for the Planet Contribution