관악역 - 과천역 with G.A.S.
- Distance
- 7.66mi
- Elevation +
- 3182f
- TrailRank
- 53
A hike over and around lots of boulders and big and small outcroppings. Some steep inclines over rocks. Great hike!
A hike over and around lots of boulders and big and small outcroppings. Some steep inclines over rocks. Great hike!
From Gwan-Ak Station to Gwa-Cheon Government Complex Station. 학우봉: 368m 국기봉: 477m And on to the complex, the football, and the hermitage (유정암??) Great hike! Leaves color the sky and trail as we walked along rocks and ...
관악역~제2전망대~학우봉~삼성산 국기봉~삼성산 정상~거북바위 갈림길(컨테이너)~관악산계곡~관악산역(서울대 정문)
관악역에서 석수능선을 넘어 삼성산으로 관악산 사당능선을 통해 사당으로 나옵니다.
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