Shlypra beach
- Distance
- 6.85mi
- Elevation +
- 1001f
- TrailRank
- 50
Easy way to a remote beach. Return along a rocky seashore a bit more difficult. One can pass by Gorbatchev and Staline dachas on the way back
Easy way to a remote beach. Return along a rocky seashore a bit more difficult. One can pass by Gorbatchev and Staline dachas on the way back
Easy track from Ritsa lake to another wild lake above named "small Ritsa lake". It is not allowed to swim there, apparently for religious reason but the scenery is breathtaking. The particularity of this "small Ritsa lak...
Easy hike in a forest shrouded with moss, which creates a strange atmosphere. Waterproof shoes are useful to cross the small river at some points
~ For ENGLISH scroll down ~ მარშრუტის აღწერა მარშრუტი იწყება სოფელ ქვედა ყარში, ლახამი-სგურიშის სამანქანე გზასთან და თავიდან მიუყვება გრუნტის გზას, შემდეგ შედის წიწვოვან ტყეში და ადის მწემსების საცხოვრებელ ქოხებთან. ...
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Get Wikiloc Premium Upgrade to remove AdsNice views on the sea. I do not recommend to follow the path in the forest, it ends up with a lot of difficulties in the bush. Better to follow the seashore, even if it may require to swim or walk in the water at the beg...
The path in the forest is difficult to read, and even missing most of the time. However the way is easy until a small river, where a steep off-path descent is necessary to reach it. The way back is easier and might be th...
Visit of the dachas built by Staline and Gorbachev. A journey into soviet leaders' luxury...All looks frozen since the 80's...
Breath-taking mountain sceneries, especially at this period of the year
Поход выбран: начало с 20.09 день заезда, с 21.09 был 1 ходовой день 9,5 км и 22.09 около 5 км 22.09 - поход к водопаду 2,4 км 23.09 - 9,5 км 24.09 - 9,3 км 25.09 - 7,2 км 26.09 - 13,5 км 27.09 - поездка на автобус...
на г. Лоюб без специального разрешения администрации заповедника и пограничной службы ходить запрещено. Тропа от оз. Кардывач до г. Лоюб довольно крутая, но снаряжение не требуется.
Nice view from the fortress but the water looks polluted along this beach.
some sections through the bush are a bit difficult
7-ти дневный горный маршрут по Абхазии "Арабика, озеро Рица"
Маршру проходит по лесу, по реке, в гору с выходом на смотровую(250 м.н.у.м), на которой открывается вид на Курорт " Пицунда", Олимпийский парк (Адлер). По дороге есть большая вероятность встретить Сухопутных краснокнижн...
Easy hike along Lashinse river from Uastana guesthouses
Майский поход в Абхазию. Сухум ГЭС - Доу - Псху - Бзып - Слияние Бзып и Гега
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