Ngong - Suswa ||| Off the beaten track
- Distance
- 60.28mi
- Elevation +
- 2953f
- TrailRank
- 16
Very nice connection between Ngong and Suswa. Make sure to call "Kedong Range" before the trip, they will request you to pay a fee as you go on their territory.
Very nice connection between Ngong and Suswa. Make sure to call "Kedong Range" before the trip, they will request you to pay a fee as you go on their territory.
Ngong - Mile 46 - Kajiado one way
Up Lukenya hills and up Mua hills. Theme is getting lost. Not for faint-hearted.
My intention was to get lost. This is not a proper track, but it was fun.
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Eli - terrain de foot - Fairmont
School to Emarty
Vader Andrew
Oltome Camp to Soi Safari Lodge Baringo Few zigzags where I forgot to pause.
Around Shimba hills NP mit Chris
Karen to Ilbisil gravel track
Garde Nalekiti
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