
The Best eBike Trails in China

51 trails

Photo of 20180221-桂竹大道-东开-白竹境-奇峰镇 Photo of 20180220-The International Auxiliary Stratotype Section of the Dev-Car Boundary Nanbiancun Section Guilin Photo of 鲁山农家院。Xinzhuang - Ruzhou

Wikiloc is a place to discover the best outdoor trails for hiking, cycling and many other activities

  • near Xinli, Guangxi (China)
    Elevation +
    Photo of20180220-The International Auxiliary Stratotype Section of the Dev-Car Boundary Nanbiancun Section Guilin Photo of20180220-The International Auxiliary Stratotype Section of the Dev-Car Boundary Nanbiancun Section Guilin Photo of20180220-The International Auxiliary Stratotype Section of the Dev-Car Boundary Nanbiancun Section Guilin

    国际泥盆-石炭系界线辅助型剖面-桂林南边村界线剖面 灵川南边村剖面国际泥盆-石炭系界线副层型剖面——灵川南边村剖面,是中国第一处获确认的国际地层界线副层型剖面,位于该县定江镇定江行政村南边自然村。该剖面出露完整,为距今三亿六千五百万年前地史时期泥盆纪与石炭纪交界时期的沉积地层,化石十分丰富,包括牙形类、头足类、有孔虫、三叶虫、腕足类、腹足类等共14个门类。其中牙形类生物的演化十分完整,不仅有深水相的管刺动物群,也有浅水相的原颚刺动...

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