

I love music, reading and hunting/fishing. I love the USA and am a proud trump supporter. I don't have a party I affiliate with because they both suck, My opinion. I was a republican, Now they all seem like RINO's but a few. Why am I telling you all this? Cause if you are one of the people who will judge me before taking a moment to get to know me....Then........You! Are what's wrong with the USA and you shouldn't bother with your insults because u are wasting your breath. I don't offend easily like the Gen Z,

Now that's out of the way, If you didn't get bored and stopped reading already I'll go on lmao.
I love all kinda of music from classic to hip hop, From Jazz to metal. Just depends on my mood.

My favorite authors are Margret Atwood, Stephen King, Joe Hill and Alex North.

Some of my Fav books are:
Nas4a2, Imaginary Friend, Heart Shaped Box, The Shadow, The Silent Patient, The Whisper Man, Pet Semetary and Lisey's story. Not all in that order, Only one that's in order is the first book, At being my fav.

I love hunting, With bow, muzzle, rifle and shotgun. Just depends on the season.

My favorite FAVORITE though is Bow-Fishing!!! I am obsessed.

Well enough about me. Have a Kick-Ass day and hope all the positive vibes come your way.

Member since  June 2021