We have written 3 published books on the natural wonders of the Lisbon Region and are providing guided hikes to the region's best trails.

Downloads of walks in the book from our website:

A região de Lisboa está repleta de maravilhas naturais, muitas das quais desconhecidas da maioria das pessoas ou não referidas nos guias comuns. Sendo um caminhante incansável e curioso, as pessoas sempre me perguntavam sobre os lugares aonde as minhas explorações me levavam, e ao aperceber-me de que existia muito pouca informação disponível sobre o assunto, decidi começar a anotar as minhas caminhadas e a estudar as formações geológicas de cada local. Depois, com a ajuda do fotógrafo Andy Mumford, fomos registando a beleza dos percursos em imagens para ilustrar o livro. O geólogo Martin Sirvos contribuiu com o seu conhecimento especializado desenhando os mapas.

You don't have to go far out of Lisbon to get off the beaten track, finding yourself at the heart of stunning scenery, away from the stresses of modern life. I have taken many people on the walks described in this book and they have all marvelled at the wilderness and natural beauty of the region surrounding this large capital city.

On these magnificent walking routes, walkers can experience these wonders on a vividly sensuous level, enjoying all the sights, sounds, and smells of a beautiful landscape. The chances are you may even be alone on the trails, having a gorgeous beach or breathtaking viewpoint to yourself.

The Lisbon region is packed with natural wonders, many of which are unknown even to the locals and not covered by the usual guidebooks. The walks described in this book are all within one hour’s drive from the centre of Lisbon, providing a welcome escape from city life, something which will appeal to anyone with a sense of adventure and a love of nature.

Member since  February 2017