Off Road

The Best Off Road Trails in Fazenda Asa os Pedra, Ceará (Brazil)

2 trails

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We are 16M members sharing 60M outdoor trails and 110M photos

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    Photo ofTrilha de Guaramiranga a Campos Belos Photo ofTrilha de Guaramiranga a Campos Belos Photo ofTrilha de Guaramiranga a Campos Belos

    Trilha de Guaramiranga a Campos Belos Saida: Guaramiranga Chegada: Campos Belos Tipo de Terreno: asfalto + calcamento + terra + rio (trilha perigosa pois requer bastante o uso de freio e a estrada nao tem grau de rei...

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Wikiloc is a place to discover the best outdoor trails for hiking, cycling and many other activities

We are 16M members sharing 60M outdoor trails and 110M photos