Off Road

The Best Off Road Trails in Ndërfushaz, Lezhë (Albania)

8 trails

  • Bukmire, Kalivaç, Vig and Mnelë

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    51| Rating 3.78
    Photo ofBukmire, Kalivaç, Vig and Mnelë Photo ofBukmire, Kalivaç, Vig and Mnelë Photo ofBukmire, Kalivaç, Vig and Mnelë

    A light offroad drive for a morning or an afternoon, unless you want to spend more time for a picnic or enjoying the views along the trail. We would have rated the trail as easy, if there wouldn't be a short difficult sp...

    I agree with last review. We did the trail in opposite way with Sprinter 4x4. Before dam we had to turn around and go ba...
    On the begining of the trail, there Is the new dam. The trail Is under the water. There Is only possibility to join this...
    Ondrej Kutis
    Most of this trail was easy. But there was one uphill that was very tricky and dangerous, especially after rain. Water d...
  • Albania 2018 02

    Off Road
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    AktywnośćSamochód Odległość42.2 km Utworzono2018-08-14 12:59:51 Maks. prędkość65.3 km/h Tempo02:13 min/km Energia510 KJ Punkty1057 WszystkiePrędkość > 0 Śr. prędkość27.0 km/h27.0 km/h Czas trasy1 h:33 min:52 sec...

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