Alpine Climbing

The Best Alpine Climbing Trails in Anyangp'al-tong, Gyeonggi (South Korea)

1 trails

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    Photo of경기안양시 만안구 수리산(관모봉 ㅡ태을봉 ㅡ슬기봉 ㅡ수암봉) 20160826 110932 Photo of경기안양시 만안구 수리산(관모봉 ㅡ태을봉 ㅡ슬기봉 ㅡ수암봉) 20160826 110932 Photo of경기안양시 만안구 수리산(관모봉 ㅡ태을봉 ㅡ슬기봉 ㅡ수암봉) 20160826 110932

    코 스:안양성결대학교→(1,1km)→관모봉→(0,8km)→태을봉→(1,9km)→슬기봉→(1km)→꼬깔봉→(0,8km)→부대옆봉→ (0,5km)→수암봉→(0,6km)→소나무쉼터→(0,3km)→목감사거리,창박골방향갈림길→(2,2km)→병목안캠핑장입구 거 리:약9,2km(트랭글gpx측정) 시 간:4시간52분

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Wikiloc is a place to discover the best outdoor trails for hiking, cycling and many other activities

We are 16M members sharing 60M outdoor trails and 110M photos