Alpine Climbing

The Best Alpine Climbing Trails in Galdbygdi, Oppland (Norway)

5 trails

Photo of Galdhøpiggen, Norway (2469m) Photo of Gletschertour zum Galdhöppigen Photo of Galdhøpiggen
  • Galdhøpiggen, Norway (2469m)

    Alpine Climbing
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    Photo ofGaldhøpiggen, Norway (2469m) Photo ofGaldhøpiggen, Norway (2469m) Photo ofGaldhøpiggen, Norway (2469m)

    The route starts by the hut used for skiing where you can also park your car. I recommend going at least two persons tied together as you need to pass the Styggebreen glacier. At least consult the locals to hear about t...

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    A great hint to help you choose your outdoor gear and clothing!

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