Alpine Climbing

The Best Alpine Climbing Trails in Mergozzo, Piemonte (Italy)

6 trails

Photo of N - Cima Corte Lorenzo Photo of NI - Sassarut Photo of Monte Faie e Cima di Corte Lorenzo

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  • N - Cima Corte Lorenzo

    Alpine Climbing
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    Photo ofN - Cima Corte Lorenzo Photo ofN - Cima Corte Lorenzo Photo ofN - Cima Corte Lorenzo

    Great hike with some climbing towards the end (the last 200 m of climb) that gives a feeling for alpinism. There are chains in place for most of the climbing parts otherwise there is good grip on the rocks. Parking at...

  • NI - Sassarut

    Alpine Climbing
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    Photo ofNI - Sassarut Photo ofNI - Sassarut Photo ofNI - Sassarut

    Mergozzo. On the way to Corte Lorenzo peak but I didn't make it because of late start.

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