Mountain Bike

The Best Mountain Bike Trails in Silica, British Columbia (Canada)

1 trails


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  • Seven Summits

    Mountain Bike
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    Elevation +
    72| Rating 4.75
    Photo ofSeven Summits Photo ofSeven Summits Photo ofSeven Summits

    2007-8-29 A 38 mile loop, 22 miles of which are singletrack, with 5800' of climbing. No doubt most people just drive to the trailhead, but the road has a nice wide shoulder most of the way so it's not a bad spin. There ...

    Bona ruta
    One of the great trails around Rossland. Stayed in a bungalow in Red Mountain ski resort and did most part of this track...
    Freddy Klinger

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Wikiloc is a place to discover the best outdoor trails for hiking, cycling and many other activities