
The Best Hiking Trails in Woodfield Bridge, Munster (Ireland)

68 trails

Photo of 12 O'Clock Hills 13k trail 19th May C Hill 2nd /6th June Photo of 12 O Clock Hills Photo of Woodfield Bridge

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    Parked in the new carpark. We started out on the 13km loop going anticlockwise and when we came back around to the bridge (about 1km from the carpark) where we took a right to start the loop we took a left to follow t...

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  • 12 o'clock Hills

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    Photo of12 o'clock Hills Photo of12 o'clock Hills Photo of12 o'clock Hills

    Attention, Il manque une partie de la boucle car je n'ai démarré l'application que 500 mètres après le parking. Promenade agréable aménagée à travers les bois avec petit pont et passage en bois. Belle vue sur la vallée.

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