Enduro Motorcycle

The Best Enduro Motorcycle Trails in Usseaux, Piemonte (Italy)

9 trails

Photo of Usseaux - Sestriere Strade Assietta Photo of Fuoristrada sull'Asietta Usseaux Sestriere Photo of Usseaux - Sestriere

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    Enduro Motorcycle
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    Percorso da Usseaux a Sestriere passando per: - Colle dell'Assietta (10.5 km) - Rifugio Casa Assietta (12.8 km) - Colle Lauson (14.7 km) - Colle Blegier (17.9 km) - Monte Genevris (19.5 km) - Colle Bourget (24.7 km...

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