Bicycle Touring

The Best Bicycle Touring Trails in Ait Oubalqas, Marrakesh-Safi (Morocco)

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  • Ait Ourir - Taddart

    Bicycle Touring
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    Photo ofAit Ourir - Taddart Photo ofAit Ourir - Taddart Photo ofAit Ourir - Taddart

    Tram sense dificultats tècniques tot seguint la RN9. Durant la jornada trobem algunes zones de la carretera en obres. Tot i el desnivell acumulat, l'ascens el fem molt bé, ja que no trobem rampes dures. Tota l'estona ten...

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Wikiloc is a place to discover and share the best outdoor trails for hiking, cycling and many other activities