
Ruta agrícola (Santa Perpètua)


Trail photos

Photo ofRuta agrícola (Santa Perpètua)


Trail stats

2.83 mi
Elevation gain
223 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
223 ft
Max elevation
428 ft
Min elevation
202 ft
Trail type
32 minutes
December 21, 2020
August 2010
Be the first to clap

near Santa Perpètua de Mogoda, Catalunya (España)

Viewed 301 times, downloaded 6 times

Trail photos

Photo ofRuta agrícola (Santa Perpètua)

Itinerary description

Contractació excursió

ADREÇA: Castell de Can Taió s/n.
MUNICIPI: Santa Perpètua de Mogoda
TELÈFON: 93 574 35 90
PREU EXCURSIÓ: A consultar
ASSISTENTS: Disposen d’uns 15 cavalls per a rutes i escola. Disposen de 2 carruatges de 12 places.


Ruta circular que ressegueix un bon tram de la plana vallesana, rodejant diferents cultius de secà de la zona.

Sortim per la part posterior de l’hípica, enmig de dos camps, per un camí ample. Anem resseguint el perfil de la finca de Can Taió fins que el camí gira i passem per sota la via del tren. Podem veure la serra de Marina al fons. Seguim pel camí fins al carrer que rodeja unes naus. Aquí trenquem a la dreta per un camí i ens enfilem lleugerament cap a la carena que ens queda just al davant. Passem entre camps on tenim ginesta a l’esquerra i cereal a la dreta. A mesura que anem pujant veiem tota la Serralada Litoral a la nostra esquerra i la Litoral a la dreta.

Passem per zona semiboscosa, amb un incipient bosc de pi que està colonitzant un camp abandonat, però encara s’observa per tot el volt les tasques agrícoles que es mantenen a la zona. Dalt la carena el camí es bifurca i continuem cap a la dreta pels camps amb vista a Santa Perpètua. Anem fent per un camí planer i, després de passar prop d’una fàbrica, fem un gir a la dreta: el camí fa una lleu pendent avall fins a trobar uns masos. Aquí hi ha un torrent que podem apreciar per la vegetació de fulla caduca com el pollancre, el plataner i, fins i tot, un parell de roures, que en ressegueixen el curs humit junt amb la invasora canya americana.

Deixem el torrent enrere i seguim amb el camp de cereal a cantó i cantó, entre ondulacions que ens tapen la vista de les muntanyes. Tornem a trobar la pista de darrera del castell, que ens portarà de nou cap a aquest, però entrarem per la portalada principal, rodejant la finca pel bosquet de pi que hi ha just abans d’arribar-hi, girant a l’esquerra. Just a l’altre costat del bosquet tindrem una bona vista de la torre del Castell, construïda per la família Gomis Güell. Després d’estar en mans del Ministeri de Defensa, ara pertany a Benestar Social i acull a diferents entitats d’integració social.


Castell de Can Taió: el castell de Can Taió és un veritable capritx de Miquel Gomis i Güell, el seu propietari, qui contagiat pel romanticisme del segle XIX, va decidir construir un castell com els antics. La seva construcció es va allargar fins a l’any 1929. Aquest edifici eclèctic sembla ser que només tenia una cambra de bany i no tenia ni calefacció ni aigua calenta.

La finca sobre la qual es va construir el castell té el seu origen en el segle VIII i tenia dues construccions, una coneguda com a casa Miró, sobre la qual s’edificaria el castell, i Can Taió, la del masover que donaria el nom a la finca i a l’actual barri en el qual està integrada.


El nucli de Santiga i la masia de Torreferrusa són punts d’interès propers a aquesta ruta.


Ruta circular que sigue un buen tramo de la llanura vallesana, rodeando diferentes cultivos de secano de la zona.

Salimos por la parte posterior de la hípica, en medio de dos campos, por un camino ancho. Vamos siguiendo el perfil de la finca de Can Taió hasta que el camino gira y pasamos por debajo de la vía del tren. Podemos ver la sierra de Marina al fondo. Seguimos por el camino hasta la calle que rodea unas naves. Aquí vamos a la derecha por un camino y nos enfilamos ligeramente hacia la línea de cresta que nos queda justo delante. Pasamos entre campos donde tenemos retama a la izquierda y cereal a la derecha. A medida que vamos subiendo vemos toda la cordillera Litoral a nuestra izquierda y la Litoral a la derecha.

Pasamos por zona semiboscosa, con un incipiente bosque de pino que está colonizando un campo abandonado, pero todavía se observa por los alrededores las tareas agrícolas que se mantienen en la zona. Sobre la carena el camino se bifurca y continuamos hacia la derecha por los campos con vista a Santa Perpètua. Avanzamos por un camino llano y, después de pasar cerca de una fábrica, giramos a la derecha: el camino hace una leve pendiente abajo hasta llegar a unos masos. Aquí hay un torrente que podemos apreciar por la vegetación de hoja caduca como el chopo, el platanero e, incluso, un par de robles, que resiguen el curso húmedo junto con la invasora caña americana.

Dejamos el torrente atrás y seguimos con el campo de cereal a lado y lado, entre ondulaciones que nos tapan la vista de las montañas. Volvemos a encontrar la pista de detrás del castillo, que nos traerá de nuevo hacia este, pero entraremos por la portalada principal, rodeando la finca por el bosque de pino que hay justo antes de llegar, girando a la izquierda. Justo al otro lado del bosque tendremos una buena vista de la torre del Castell, construida por la familia Gomis Güell. Después de estar en manos del Ministerio de Defensa, ahora pertenece a Bienestar Social y acoge diferentes entidades de integración social.


Castillo de Can Taió: el castillo de Can Taió es un verdadero capricho de Miquel Gomis y Güell, su propietario, quién contagiado por el romanticismo del siglo XIX, decidió construir un castillo como los antiguos. Su construcción se alargó hasta el año 1929. Este edificio ecléctico parece ser que sólo tenía un cuarto de baño y no tenía ni calefacción ni agua caliente.

La finca sobre la cual se construyó el castillo tiene su origen en el siglo VIII y tenía dos construcciones, una conocida como casa Miró, sobre la cual se edificaría el castillo, y Can Taió, la del casero que daría nombre a la finca y al actual barrio en el cual está integrada.


El núcleo de Santiga y la masía de Torreferrusa son puntos de interés cercanos a esta ruta.


Circular route that follows a good stretch of the plain of Vallès, surrounding different dry farming in the area.

We go out by the back of the riding centre, in the middle of two fields, by a wide path. We follow the profile of the farm of Can Taió until the road turns and we pass under the railway track. We can see the mountain range of Marina at the back. We follow the path until the street that surrounds a few industrial units. Here we are going to the right by a road and we head for towards the ridge line that lies just ahead. We pass between fields where we have broom to the left and grain to the right. As we go up, we see all the Serralada Litoral to the left and the Litoral to the right.

We pass through a semi-wooded area, with an incipient pine forest that is colonizing an abandoned field, but we still observe the agricultural tasks that are carried out in the area. On the summit the road forks and it continues to the right by the fields with a view to Santa Perpètua. We are advancing along a plain path and, after passing near a factory, we turn to the right: the road makes a slight slope down until we arrive to a few masias. Here there is a torrent that can be seen by the deciduous vegetation such as poplar, the banana, and even a couple of oaks, which follow the wet course along with the invading American cane.

We leave the torrent behind and we continue with the grain field on either side, between ripples that obstruct the view of the mountains. We find the track behind the castle again, that will bring us back to the castle, but we will enter by the main large gateway, bordering the farm by the pine forest just before arriving, turn to the left. Just on the other side of the forest we will have a good view of the tower of the castle, built by the family Gomis Güell. After being in the hands of the Ministry of Defence, now it belongs to Benestar Social (Generalitat) and it hosts different entities of social integration.


Castle of Can Taió: the castle Can Taió is a real caprice of Miquel Gomis and Güell, its owner, whom infected by the Romanticism of the 19th century, decided to build a castle as the old ones. Its construction lasted until the year 1929. It seems that this eclectic building only had a bathroom and it had no heat nor hot water.

The farm on which it was built has its origins in the 8th century and it had two constructions, one known as Casa Miró, on which he would build the castle, and Can Taió, that of the landlord that would give his name to the farm and the current neighbourhood in which it is integrated.


Circular route that follows a good stretch of the plain of Vallès, surrounding different dry farming in the area.

We go out by the back of the riding centre, in the middle of two fields, by a wide path. We follow the profile of the farm of Can Taió until the road turns and we pass under the railway track. We can see the mountain range of Marina at the back. We follow the path until the street that surrounds a few industrial units. Here we are going to the right by a road and we head for towards the ridge line that lies just ahead. We pass between fields where we have broom to the left and grain to the right. As we go up, we see all the Serralada Litoral to the left and the Litoral to the right.

We pass through a semi-wooded area, with an incipient pine forest that is colonizing an abandoned field, but we still observe the agricultural tasks that are carried out in the area. On the summit the road forks and it continues to the right by the fields with a view to Santa Perpètua. We are advancing along a plain path and, after passing near a factory, we turn to the right: the road makes a slight slope down until we arrive to a few masias. Here there is a torrent that can be seen by the deciduous vegetation such as poplar, the banana, and even a couple of oaks, which follow the wet course along with the invading American cane.

We leave the torrent behind and we continue with the grain field on either side, between ripples that obstruct the view of the mountains. We find the track behind the castle again, that will bring us back to the castle, but we will enter by the main large gateway, bordering the farm by the pine forest just before arriving, turn to the left. Just on the other side of the forest we will have a good view of the tower of the castle, built by the family Gomis Güell. After being in the hands of the Ministry of Defence, now it belongs to Benestar Social (Generalitat) and it hosts different entities of social integration.


Castle of Can Taió: the castle Can Taió is a real caprice of Miquel Gomis and Güell, its owner, whom infected by the Romanticism of the 19th century, decided to build a castle as the old ones. Its construction lasted until the year 1929. It seems that this eclectic building only had a bathroom and it had no heat nor hot water.

The farm on which it was built has its origins in the 8th century and it had two constructions, one known as Casa Miró, on which he would build the castle, and Can Taió, that of the landlord that would give his name to the farm and the current neighbourhood in which it is integrated.


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