
Sudáfrica. Drakensberg. Royal Natal NP; Thukela Gorgue Trail


Trail photos

Photo ofSudáfrica. Drakensberg. Royal Natal NP; Thukela Gorgue Trail Photo ofSudáfrica. Drakensberg. Royal Natal NP; Thukela Gorgue Trail Photo ofSudáfrica. Drakensberg. Royal Natal NP; Thukela Gorgue Trail


Trail stats

9.68 mi
Elevation gain
2,359 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
2,359 ft
Max elevation
6,294 ft
62 4
Min elevation
4,796 ft
Trail type
6 hours 35 minutes
July 5, 2015
April 2015
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near Bonjaneni, Province of KwaZulu-Natal (Republic of South Africa)

Viewed 3596 times, downloaded 178 times

Trail photos

Photo ofSudáfrica. Drakensberg. Royal Natal NP; Thukela Gorgue Trail Photo ofSudáfrica. Drakensberg. Royal Natal NP; Thukela Gorgue Trail Photo ofSudáfrica. Drakensberg. Royal Natal NP; Thukela Gorgue Trail

Itinerary description

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Start of the route in the Tendele car park.
The omnipresent Amphitheater marked from the beginning the whole walk, today all sunny, its upper plateau did not seem the same place where the previous day we almost freeze.
A comfortable footpath with no possibility of loss of self-direction by one of the most popular routes of the Royal Natal NP, it was not the Cares route but we were not at all in season either.
A bit more than 7.5 km and about 400 meters above sea level, we really reached the gorge, the trail ends and we have to start doing the goat over the rocks in the riverbed, which is quite dry on the other hand ... A little later the thing narrowed, it was not Petra's Siq, but something like that and the puddles on the ground did not let us continue.
But on the right there was a ladder that climbed the wall less than 10 m and of course, there we went ... from there a path between trees and rocks that suddenly required climbing a narrow passage, the idea of ​​seeing the second one, if ?, the world's highest waterfall made us continue.
Back to the bed of the river above the gorge and the proximity of the wall by which the waterfall had to fall but that shone by its absence made us turn around.
Already the previous day on the base plateau of the Sentinel, the Tugela did not seem especially large at this time.

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PictographWaterfall Altitude 0 ft

A la búsqueda

... de la vista de la Fall

Comments  (2)

  • Photo of Rhino and Hedgehog
    Rhino and Hedgehog Jan 13, 2017

    I have followed this trail  View more

    A nice walk out to the tunnel at the bottom of the Tugela falls and back that appears very popular (we past 41 people on the trail - the most we have ever seen on any Drakensberg Walk). We did it after heavey rains which certainly addes an extra dimention to the river crossings.

  • Photo of Ro Bon
    Ro Bon Jan 13, 2017

    Thanks for your evaluation Rhino, can find more information if you want at the blog

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