
8d Barcelona Roses , 8 Roses HI BCN20


Trail photos

Photo of8d Barcelona Roses , 8 Roses HI BCN20 Photo of8d Barcelona Roses , 8 Roses HI BCN20 Photo of8d Barcelona Roses , 8 Roses HI BCN20


Trail stats

21.06 mi
Elevation gain
72 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
95 ft
Max elevation
76 ft
64 5
Min elevation
0 ft
Trail type
One Way
Moving time
7 hours 51 minutes
9 hours 15 minutes
January 26, 2020
January 2020
  • Rating

  •   5 1 review

near l'Escala, Catalunya (España)

Viewed 1064 times, downloaded 22 times

Trail photos

Photo of8d Barcelona Roses , 8 Roses HI BCN20 Photo of8d Barcelona Roses , 8 Roses HI BCN20 Photo of8d Barcelona Roses , 8 Roses HI BCN20

Itinerary description

Friday 2020Jan11. Planning 31km, +0m up, -0m down, 8h. Details below. (En anglès, perquè espero que tingui continuació internacional.) *** This is part of a longer route, together with previous or future walks which have "BCN20" in the title, meaning "from Barcelona, year 2020". Could be continued with "BCN21" etc. ***
!This was my last walking day. I had planned to walk every day and reach Montpellier on 2020Feb01, but after returning from the walk from Barcelona to Mataró, I had a foot pain, that reappeared during the following days. The first days, I noticed it only during the first steps after very long breaks (also when getting up in the morning), but later it also occurred sporadically during walking. I didn't see a doctor. Symptoms were as described for peroneal tendinitis pain. Got better during 1½ weeks of rest, with only short slow city walks. Then worse after a fast 3km city walk. Now (Jan26) getting better again!

I used a printout of this route from Wikiloc user Marc Puntunet:
Planning (see latest photo in this Wikiloc object):
H = L’Escala alt.0m Oficina de Turisme / Escola Empuries
31,0km +/-0m 8,0h
1,5km +/-0m 0,5h alt.0m Conjunt arqueològic
1,5km +/-0m 0,5h alt.0m Sant Martí
6,5km +/-0m 1,5h alt.0m left turn, leaving coastline
2,0+/-0m 0,5h alt.0m Sant Pere Pescador
3,5km +/-0m 1h alt.0m Fluvià Nautic at river mouth
4,0km +/-0m 1h alt.0m right turn at El Cortalet place
4,0km +/-0m 1h alt.0mBridge into Empuriabrava vacation township
2,0km +/-0m 0,5h alt.
0m leave Empuriabrava
2,5km +/-0m 0,5h alt.0m soft right bend at motor road roundabout / Marina de Santa Magarida
3,5km +/-0m 1h alt.0m I = Roses, Beach Platja Nova
1. L'Escala, pointing back to Pensió Torrent (100m, by mistake I made a pointing photo where I don't show the way forward) (08:20 = start) - 2. Beach with view to Canigó (08:30) - 3. Empúries Greek archaeology site (08:50), later comes a very long beach where the direction is absolutely clear, but not which underground to choose: slow sand on the beach or quick walk on asphalt inside completely empty (off season) camping grounds. - 4. leave coast just before bar restaurant La Gaviota (10:30). Later on, don't follow my stupid navigation mistake at the roundabout - 5. Bridge to Sant Pere village (11:05) - 6. Breakfast at "Lido" bar (11:10-11:30) - 7. Left after river mouth camping (12:35) - 8. Wetland view to the left, with beautiful white horses photo scene that day (12:50) - 9.&10 Observation point on rice silo towers (13:05-13:10 & again at 13:35 returning from a walk in the wrong direction) - 11. El Cortalet visitor centre (14:05) - 12. Picknick on the ground in the middle of nowhere (14:30-14:50) - 13. over Bridge into Empuriabrava residential marina,(15:20) - 14. kind of "Canale Grande" (15:40) - 15. Leaving Empuriabrava (15:50). Later comes a second residencial marina, where I made a short error at a roundabout - 16. Beach at the outskirts of Roses (17:00) - 17. Roses, Hotel Sol y Mar (17:40 =finish).


PictographPhoto Altitude 28 ft
Photo of08:20 Pensió Torrent

08:20 Pensió Torrent

PictographPhoto Altitude 63 ft
Photo of08:30 Canigó with full moon

08:30 Canigó with full moon

PictographPhoto Altitude 29 ft
Photo of08:50 Empúries Greek archaeology museum

08:50 Empúries Greek archaeology museum

PictographPhoto Altitude 3 ft
Photo of10:30 leave coast just before BAR RESTAURANT La Gaviota

10:30 leave coast just before BAR RESTAURANT La Gaviota

PictographPhoto Altitude 0 ft
Photo of11:05 Sant Pere

11:05 Sant Pere

PictographPhoto Altitude 13 ft
Photo of11:10—11:30 Sant Pere, breakfast Lido

11:10—11:30 Sant Pere, breakfast Lido

PictographPhoto Altitude 5 ft
Photo of12:35 left after river mouth camping

12:35 left after river mouth camping

PictographPhoto Altitude 3 ft
Photo of12:50 Horses on wetlands

12:50 Horses on wetlands

PictographPhoto Altitude 6 ft
Photo of13:05-13:10 View tower silo, Torroella Castle hill

13:05-13:10 View tower silo, Torroella Castle hill

PictographPhoto Altitude 7 ft
Photo of13:35 back on track at rice silo watchtower

13:35 back on track at rice silo watchtower

PictographPhoto Altitude 5 ft
Photo of14:05 El Cortalet

14:05 El Cortalet

PictographPhoto Altitude 4 ft
Photo of14:30-14:50 picknick

14:30-14:50 picknick

PictographPhoto Altitude 4 ft
Photo of15:20 Empuriabrava bridge

15:20 Empuriabrava bridge

PictographPhoto Altitude 3 ft
Photo of15:40 Canale Grande

15:40 Canale Grande

PictographPhoto Altitude 5 ft
Photo of15:50 Empuriabrava leaving

15:50 Empuriabrava leaving

PictographPhoto Altitude 4 ft
Photo of17:00 Roses outskirts

17:00 Roses outskirts

PictographPhoto Altitude 7 ft
Photo of17:40 Roses, Hotel Sol y Mal

17:40 Roses, Hotel Sol y Mal

Comments  (8)

  • Photo of Jorditoms
    Jorditoms Nov 1, 2020

    I really love your hikes, I'm enjoying to watch it, and actually I marked a few of them as favourite.

    I added you to my following, hope you can also follow me so we can be in contact, and hope when this virus is over we can do a route together.

  • Photo of Jorditoms
    Jorditoms Nov 1, 2020

    Sorry I didn't mentioned before but like You, I love to walk from Barcelona to France, so this route is amazing for me to follow I just hope the covid let me do it very soon

  • Photo of noGPS
    noGPS Nov 1, 2020

    Hi Jordi, now I published "BCN20 PLANNING Roses Montpellier" which describes how I wanted to continue this route.
    Regarding 1-day routes, I like to walk alone. Possibly less than 5% of my walks are with a group, "Barcelona Hiking and Outdoors" (website: MeetUp ).
    On the French section of my January'20 walk, I had planned to join with a woman who had travelled with me (and another man) two weeks in Iran in autumn '19, so we knew each other fairly well.

  • Photo of Jorditoms
    Jorditoms Nov 1, 2020

    Hey, thanks for following me!! I do love to do my alone hikes but My wife is so nervous, that I promised to walk with somebody always. Thanks for the route, but from Rose to here will you connect it ?

  • Photo of noGPS
    noGPS Nov 1, 2020

    Roses to Llançà is a beautiful hike via Sant Pere de Rodes monastry. I did it years ago, without GPS track. You will probably find it in Wikiloc from other hikers.
    Yes, walking alone is a risk. I live alone, so no wive who stops me. Before my day walks in Catalonia (not those in Collserola;-), I usually leave a message with a route description to a friend and contact her as soon as I am back at the village for the return train to Barcelona.

  • Photo of Jorditoms
    Jorditoms Nov 1, 2020

    Great I will take a look about that hike. Jajaja yes with wife is quite complicated JHajajaja and with two daughter worse Jajajajajaja is a real pleasure to follow you since you are like me in the same mood !😉 From where did you come from? I'm from dominican republic

  • Photo of noGPS
    noGPS Nov 1, 2020

    The very first version of "BCN20 PLANNING Roses Montpellier" had no images.
    ¡Que te vaya bién!

  • Photo of Jorditoms
    Jorditoms Nov 1, 2020


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