The Pekoe Trail - Sri Lanka | Official Profile

ORG The Pekoe Trail - Sri Lanka | Official Profile

The Pekoe Trail, a part of the Serendipity Trails Collection, is a 300km and 22-stage -long-distance hiking trail in the Central Highlands of Sri Lanka that traverses the vast network of tea trails that make up the Sri Lankan tea country and encapsulates the essence of the island’s diversity, seamlessly bringing together a uniquely Sri Lankan experience, connecting nature, its people, culture, and heritage.

Note: Not all stages have been marked or sign-posted yet. The Pekoe Trail is currently under development and some stages will be ready for travelers in late 2023, and others in 2024.

IMPORTANT: Trail users are advised to consider all the information available and to heed local advice when available. The services of a professional mountain guide are recommended. Trail users are responsible for all decisions as to the trail routes, trail conditions, weather, and safety. In addition to the hazards posed by steep terrain and mountain weather, hikers should be prepared for difficult route-finding and challenging trail conditions, dogs, leaches, heavy rain, intermittent thunderstorms, and plenty of sun. It is recommended to drink at least 1/2 litre of water per hour when hiking. Access to emergency medical care and rescue is not always immediately available.

Member since  March 2021
