Explorers Station

Explorers Station

Welcome to our profile!
We are very normal people. Like most of you, we do have a full-time job and lots of stuff going on each day. Nevertheless, we want to show that it's still possible and it's important to stay connected to nature and have relaxing breaks from work.
We know it takes a lot of time and effort to make proper planning, be it a day, a weekend, or a longer holiday. But we have got good news for you! We love planning, and we'd love to share the best places, locations, itineraries, and tips with you!
Now that we have got to know each other, you have no more excuses to go out and enjoy nature. Responsibly!
Please, always remember to leave each place clean, and possibly better than how you found it.
See you somewhere into the nature!

Member since  April 2019
