We're a couple who travel a lot around the world for Hobby also for Work, we move to different countries very often, which offers us good opportunities to see the colorful world, especially for the people like us who are passionate about travel and don't want to waste any minute at home!

We got married in 2011, since then we've been traveling to more than 30 countries, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Bahrain, Turkey, Belgium, Austria, Italy, Greece, Germany, France, Spain, Switzerland, Netherlands, Portugal, Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, Croatia, Slovenia, Danmark, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, United States, South Africa, Egypt, New Zealand...

We created this Youtube Channel to share our experience, all the videos are homemade, but they recorded our footprints and stories.

Welcome to visit our blog ( Available in English, 简体中文, Italiano), In our blog, we share all beautiful places we have been to, our intinaries and suggestions.

Member since  March 2018
