
Swinithwaite -Hestholme - Redmire Falls Circular


Trail photos

Photo ofSwinithwaite -Hestholme - Redmire Falls Circular Photo ofSwinithwaite -Hestholme - Redmire Falls Circular Photo ofSwinithwaite -Hestholme - Redmire Falls Circular


Trail stats

4.27 mi
Elevation gain
299 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
299 ft
Max elevation
734 ft
Min elevation
446 ft
Trail type
2 hours 12 minutes
August 30, 2018
August 2018
Be the first to clap

near Redmire, England (United Kingdom)

Viewed 174 times, downloaded 13 times

Trail photos

Photo ofSwinithwaite -Hestholme - Redmire Falls Circular Photo ofSwinithwaite -Hestholme - Redmire Falls Circular Photo ofSwinithwaite -Hestholme - Redmire Falls Circular

Itinerary description

We arrived in Swinthwaite around lunch time and had a bite to eat in Berry's Farm Shop and Cafe. They kindly allowed us to park our car in their car park whilst we went for our walk.

The walk starts out of the village on track which leads up onto a level stretch where we turned right along the valley side, with long distance views of Bolton Castle. We were very surprised when we came upon the ruins of a chapel in the Receptory of the Knight's Templar built around 1200AD . I had not seen it before so more research needed to find out it's history.

Shortly after this the path drops down the hill to Temple Farm and turns left as if heading to West Burton. We actually didn't go that far along this path but turned right down a track to Edgley. This brought us to two large stone folleys, one shaped like a rocket and one a small tower. Again I've not found out their history.

We then turned right for a short while on the B6160 before taking a path to the left to Hestholme Bridge. Here we crossed over the A684 and continued on the path along the river side, passing stepping stones and Redmire falls which are both worth a view.

Carrying on you eventually come to the Wensleydale Experience Meadow Walk and turn right up fields to Back Lane which takes one back to Swinithwaite.


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