
Pietà - Ogliastro Marina



Trail stats

10.14 mi
Elevation gain
1,332 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,398 ft
Max elevation
1,272 ft
Min elevation
122 ft
Trail type
One Way
5 hours 10 minutes
January 1, 2016
January 2016
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1 comment

near Pietà, Campania (Italia)

Viewed 213 times, downloaded 0 times

Itinerary description

Pietà - Ogliastro Marina

Comments  (1)

  • Photo of bombaybelle
    bombaybelle Aug 26, 2016

    Note that there is gate at Ogliastro that is sometimes closed which blocks road access-- not everyone is let through. If it is blocked, then you can cut off the road and skirt through some trees and into a parking area for cars and cross the road and follow the trail rather than the road. The path depicted above first follow the road, then switches to the trail. But note that at some points the trail is blocked (trees, bushes, or if walking along the water by rocks). As far as I could tell the only way to follow this path was to get your feet wet and walk around the corners where rocks block access. The water is shallow so on a calm low tide day it seems possible, but I did not attempt this. I switched back to the road. The path is beautiful though, especially from Punta Licosa to Ogliastro. Finally it is worth noting that there does not appear to be a gate blocking access to the road at Punta Licosa so it might be easier to do this path in reverse.

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