
Mariposa Grove , secuoyas (Yosemite)


Trail photos

Photo ofMariposa Grove , secuoyas (Yosemite) Photo ofMariposa Grove , secuoyas (Yosemite) Photo ofMariposa Grove , secuoyas (Yosemite)


Trail stats

7.17 mi
Elevation gain
1,171 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,486 ft
Max elevation
6,647 ft
Min elevation
5,225 ft
Trail type
One Way
4 hours 9 minutes
March 15, 2022
June 2015

near Fish Camp, California (United States)

Viewed 96 times, downloaded 4 times

Trail photos

Photo ofMariposa Grove , secuoyas (Yosemite) Photo ofMariposa Grove , secuoyas (Yosemite) Photo ofMariposa Grove , secuoyas (Yosemite)

Itinerary description

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Hiking route through the park of Mariposa Grove, in Yosemite, visiting the most characteristic trees.

There are different circuits of various lengths, and we did this track by combining the official paths so that we passed through the most emblematic places of Mariposa Grove.

Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias, located in the southern part of Yosemite, is the largest sequoia grove in Yosemite and is home to more than 500 giant and mature sequoias.

official circuits

Big Trees Loop Trail (easy)
Circuit of 0.5 km, from 30 to 45 minutes. This loop is relatively flat and wheelchair accessible.

Beginning at the Mariposa Grove arrival area, and then winding through a forest with many giant sequoias, this trail features the Fallen Monarch and interpretive panels on the life and ecology of the giant sequoias.

Grizzly Giant Loop Trail (moderate).

Circuit of about 3 km and it takes from 1.5 to 2 hours to complete the route.

Starting at the Mariposa Grove arrival area, you walk past notable trees such as the Bachelor, the Three Graces , and the named 3,000-year-old Grizzly Giant , as well as the California Tunnel Tree , which has carved a hollow where carriages and vehicles passed not too long ago. There are about 90m of unevenness to do in about 2 hours.

Guardians Loop Trail (demanding in terms of tourism)
10.5 km round trip from the trailhead, and a time of 4 to 6 hours.

Starting at the Mariposa Grove arrival area, we hike to the quiet upper reaches of the grove, and a 1.5-mile loop takes us through many famous redwoods, including the fallen Wawona Tunnel Tree , the Telescope Tree, and the Mariposa Grove Cabin.

The Wawona Tunnel Tree, is a tree that had a cut through which a track and vehicles passed through it. Time caused it to collapse and it is found fallen. There are numerous old photos that show it upright.

As the history of the place, President Lincoln legislated for the first time on the preservation of this place as a natural environment to be protected for future generations, creating the first natural park in the world.

In 1906 it was integrated into Yosemite National Park .


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