
Kongelunden to Kalvebod Faelled


Trail photos

Photo ofKongelunden to Kalvebod Faelled Photo ofKongelunden to Kalvebod Faelled Photo ofKongelunden to Kalvebod Faelled


Trail stats

2.5 mi
Elevation gain
75 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
75 ft
Max elevation
52 ft
Min elevation
-1 ft
Trail type
one hour one minute
August 23, 2013
July 2013
Be the first to clap

near Ullerup, Capital Region (Denmark)

Viewed 635 times, downloaded 1 times

Trail photos

Photo ofKongelunden to Kalvebod Faelled Photo ofKongelunden to Kalvebod Faelled Photo ofKongelunden to Kalvebod Faelled

Itinerary description

From Kongelunden it is possible to walk to Kalvebod Faelled. (Kalvebod Faelled is covered by booklet #65 - see notes below). On this walk we walked to the southern entrance to Kalvebod Faelled, from there you can walk all over this partly forested area.

The transition from Kongelunden to Kalvebod Faelled is via a large earth berm, with some gates to stop animals, that you need to walk along.

See the 'Kongelunden A' walk for more information.

General notes on Danish forests (skov) and associated areas, these are some general comments from the viewpoint of a visitor to Denmark:

a) There is almost always a booklet that has a map and other details about the forest (often in Danish only - but maps are maps after all...). These are often available at tourist information outlets. However, more importantly, they are also available in almost all car parks close to the forest. There is normally a sign, with a map and other information. Attached to the sign there is normally a small metal box that opens by pulling the handle, sometimes there is a box attached to each leg of the sign. Inside you will find the booklet - on one occasion we took the last booklet, however, we never missed out! I have no idea who fills the boxes with booklets, but it is a great system.

b) The areas are normally multi-purpose and used for walking, horse riding, bicylcing, mountain biking etc. Some tracks are clearly identified as for only one purpose. Often there are multiple parallel tracks and in this situation one chooses the track that looks appropriate.

c) There are normally many more tracks through the area than something like Open Street Map (OSM) shows. This is especially the case if you are walking, so there are lots of ways to get to the same place, hence, the useful booklets - see 'a)' above.

d) These areas are not 'wilderness' in the sense of places in say Australia, so don't expect quite the same idea of remoteness and unaltered nature. This is not to say that there is anything wrong with these areas, they are just different.

e) Footwear: probably the most important thing is waterproof! Even in the middle of a dry Danish summer there is still water around, at other times they can by quite boggy.

f) Walking in Denmark is basically on the flat. So it is mainly distance that determines the limit of your walk. Some areas (like Ribild Bakker) are more hilly, however, on a 'world scale' Denmark is flat!

g) Many tracks are marked with coloured symbols (eg: yellow triangle, red dot, etc.) so this makes following the trails easy. Even when there is not an 'official' symbol for the trail you will normally starting noticing the coloured dots on the trees that are associated with your path.

h) There are normally picnic tables, or at a minimum seats, at many points on the trails. So don't be surprised to find something 'in the middle of nowhere'. It should be fairly obvoius that these make great places to stop for lunch, or to take in the view. In summer time you may find that all these tables and seats are occupied by the locals enjoying the outdoors.


PictographBridge Altitude 21 ft
Photo ofBRIDGE Photo ofBRIDGE


PictographCar park Altitude 85 ft


Access from Collins Alle


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