
Itinerary around Priego de Córdoba


Trail photos

Photo ofItinerary around Priego de Córdoba Photo ofItinerary around Priego de Córdoba Photo ofItinerary around Priego de Córdoba


Trail stats

1.52 mi
Elevation gain
66 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
115 ft
Max elevation
2,218 ft
Min elevation
2,096 ft
Trail type
One Way
one hour 6 minutes
April 21, 2017
April 2017
Be the first to clap

near Priego de Córdoba, Andalucía (España)

Viewed 147 times, downloaded 6 times

Trail photos

Photo ofItinerary around Priego de Córdoba Photo ofItinerary around Priego de Córdoba Photo ofItinerary around Priego de Córdoba

Itinerary description

Here you are an itinerary around Priego for Primary Education. It is an atractive way to explain contents of different academic subjects through 10 points of interest.

In every point we propose an idea to link each place with the contents.

Enjoy it!

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PictographPhoto Altitude 2,142 ft
Photo ofTown hall

Town hall

It is a perfect place to explain what public services are: who provide them and how we use them. Related to: Civic values, Sociology and Economy.

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,170 ft
Photo ofMunicipal Museum of History Photo ofMunicipal Museum of History

Municipal Museum of History

Here we learn about History of Priego, from prehistoric times to the Middle Ages. Also there is an area specifically dedicated to Museum of Contemporary Art Lozano Sidro. Here you are the website: Related to: History, Anthropology, Sociology and Art.

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,198 ft
Photo ofFuente de la Salud

Fuente de la Salud

Here you are in a natural water birth from XVI century, Mannierist style, which provide water to whole Priego. It has been declared a national monument for its history and for its composition with different religious and mythological elements. We can learn about the local geography too. Related to: Geography and Art.

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,161 ft
Photo ofFuente del Rey

Fuente del Rey

The Fuente del Rey is a baroque fountain with 139 water spouts and was built in 1803. The Fuente de la Salud and the Fuente del Rey form an area which has been declared a national monument. In this point of interest we can explain what a national monument is and why it is, what baroque is and, especially his legend, hence the name Fuente del Rey. Related to: History, Sociology and Art.

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,156 ft
Photo ofHouse-Museum Niceto Alcalá-Zamora

House-Museum Niceto Alcalá-Zamora

It is an awesome place to explain democracy and different political systems, because this is the house where the president of the Second Spanish Republic was born. Here you are the website: Related to: History and Sociology.

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,145 ft
Photo ofCastle of Priego de Córdoba

Castle of Priego de Córdoba

The Castle of Priego with its Arabic origin is an interesting point to learn about old history from XIII and XIV centuries. Nowadays, it is being restored, which it is useful to related with public services explained before at the Town Hall. Related to: History and Civic values.

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,139 ft
Photo ofPaseo de Colombia

Paseo de Colombia

Here you are the main public space of Priego. There is useful information about how it was promoted by private fundraising which made it possible, to explain that it is possible to build public places with private found. Related to: Civic values and Environment.

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,141 ft
Photo ofBalcón del Adarve

Balcón del Adarve

Adarve is an old defensive walk from Arab times. It is a fantastic place to explain how defended different civilisations were. Related to: History, Sociology and Geography.

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,113 ft
Photo ofBarrio De la Villa or Old Quarter

Barrio De la Villa or Old Quarter

It is a perfect point to immerse directly to mediaeval and Moorish times. Also, we can see the most typically Andalusian building. In which we can explain how to build fresh houses in a very hot place through ecological and easy way, like the Albaicín in Granada or the Judería of Córdoba. Related to: History, Geography and Environment.

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,101 ft
Photo ofTorre Atalaya Photo ofTorre Atalaya Photo ofTorre Atalaya

Torre Atalaya

This watchtower is an example of many of them which were built by the Arabs to communicate with each other in a fast way. We can use this information to link it with ICT. Related to: History, Geography, Sociology and ICT.


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