
Irlanda-Cliffs of Moher


Trail photos

Photo ofIrlanda-Cliffs of Moher Photo ofIrlanda-Cliffs of Moher Photo ofIrlanda-Cliffs of Moher


Trail stats

2.69 mi
Elevation gain
289 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
289 ft
Max elevation
625 ft
38 5
Min elevation
511 ft
Trail type
3 hours 26 minutes
July 25, 2014
July 2014
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near Upper Ballycotteen, Munster (Ireland)

Viewed 1703 times, downloaded 41 times

Trail photos

Photo ofIrlanda-Cliffs of Moher Photo ofIrlanda-Cliffs of Moher Photo ofIrlanda-Cliffs of Moher

Itinerary description

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One of the main landmarks in Ireland and a bioríric distributed to you, a very (very) touristy place to visit most visitors. Needless to say, it is a beautiful view of the cliffs, but also to see the Aran Island.

Here's the reason for putting a track on it, as well as expressing 'where we've been here', to say that it has been made with the little kids' cart. Although the first part can be found in two or three locations, it can easily be overcome with the help of another person.

On the other hand, car parking rates can be considered fair: adults 6 euros and children aged 16 and 0; that is, 12 euros of the family (2014-07). More information:


PictographPhoto Altitude 615 ft
Photo ofO'Brien's Dorrea Photo ofO'Brien's Dorrea Photo ofO'Brien's Dorrea

O'Brien's Dorrea

Comments  (1)

  • Photo of MENILUA
    MENILUA Apr 23, 2015

    I have followed this trail  View more

    El paisaje de los Acantilados de Moher no es recto, sino que presenta pequeños entrantes y salientes del mar. Se va siguiendo la linea de costa y se ven pequeños fragmentos de roca aislados frente a los acantilados, que son unos de los lugares favoritos de los pájaros para anidar. El negro de la roca de los acantilados se fusiona con el azul del mar y el verde de la hierba para crear un paisaje único.

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