
Hrafnagilsstígurinn / Hrafnagil Path


Trail photos

Photo ofHrafnagilsstígurinn / Hrafnagil Path Photo ofHrafnagilsstígurinn / Hrafnagil Path Photo ofHrafnagilsstígurinn / Hrafnagil Path


Trail stats

5.46 mi
Elevation gain
3 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
3 ft
Max elevation
46 ft
Min elevation
20 ft
Trail type
One Way
April 14, 2020
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near Akureyri, Norðurland Eystra (Ísland)

Viewed 2958 times, downloaded 7 times

Trail photos

Photo ofHrafnagilsstígurinn / Hrafnagil Path Photo ofHrafnagilsstígurinn / Hrafnagil Path Photo ofHrafnagilsstígurinn / Hrafnagil Path

Itinerary description

Þægileg gönguleið milli Akureyrar og Hrafnagils, lítill hæðarmunur er á leiðinni og hentar hún því fyrir flesta.
Hún er malbikuð og nánast enginn hæðarmunur og hentar því fyrir flesta. Vinsælt er að ganga og / eða hjóla leiðina og á veturna er stundum hægt að fara hana á gönguskíðum.

Vegalengd: 9 km (önnur leiðin)
Áhugavert: Kjarnaskógur, heitavatnslögnin milli Laugalands og Akureyrar, Jólagarðurinn og Hrafnagil (skóli og sundlaug). Hægt er að leggja smá lykkju á leiðina og heimsækja skógræktina við Kristnes sprítala og Hælið (kaffihús og þemasýning um berklana).
Upphafsstaður: Bílastæðið við suðurhluta Akureyrarflugvallar.

Hrafnagil Path
A paved path between Akureyri and the village of Hrafnagil invites to a easy walk on a flat ground. The path is about 9 km long (one way), but can easily be shortened by just doing a part of it. It is a popular path for people in all ages to walk, cycle and even cross country ski during winter.

The path is connected with the coastal path "Drottningarbrautarstígur" from Akureyri center, which begins by the Cultural and Conference house Hof and ends by the southern end of the airport area, by the parking at the end of the airport fence. The Hrafnagil path starts by the parking and continues into the valley (south-ward) on the right-side of the main road nr. 821 "Eyjafjarðarbraut vestri".

Distance: 9 km (one way)
Interesting sights: Kjarnaskógur - woodland, the hot water pipe between Laugaland and Akureyri, the Christmas Garden and Hrafnagil village (school, campsite and geothermal pool). If you include a small detour on the way you can visit the area by Kristnes hospital - a recreation area and woodlands, as well as "Hælið" - the great white plague center (exhibition and café).
Starting point: Parking at the south end of the airport area.


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