
Fushimi-Inari (伏見稲荷)


Trail photos

Photo ofFushimi-Inari (伏見稲荷) Photo ofFushimi-Inari (伏見稲荷) Photo ofFushimi-Inari (伏見稲荷)


Trail stats

3.72 mi
Elevation gain
755 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
755 ft
Max elevation
758 ft
Min elevation
113 ft
Trail type
Moving time
one hour 35 minutes
2 hours 20 minutes
August 24, 2018
August 2018
Be the first to clap

near Fukakusa, Kyoto (Japan)

Viewed 1497 times, downloaded 45 times

Trail photos

Photo ofFushimi-Inari (伏見稲荷) Photo ofFushimi-Inari (伏見稲荷) Photo ofFushimi-Inari (伏見稲荷)

Itinerary description

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In the shrine of Fushimi-Inari (伏 見 稲 荷), dedicated to the deity of fertility, rice, agriculture, foxes, industry and success in general and represented by a fox or kitsune, named Ianari, we find one of the best known images of all Japan, its roads flanked by thousands of red toriis.

The Shinto shrine of Fushimi Inari is located in the south of the city of Kyoto, former capital of the Japanese Empire during the Edo period.

As soon as we get to the entrance of the temple we find a statue of Inari, a spiritual fox or kitsune right next to the torii that gives access to the temple complex.

We move along a wide street that leaves us in front of another great torii, just before the Fushimi Inari-Taisha gate and the first of the temples, the Fushimiinari Shrine Gehaiden.

Just behind is the main temple, the Fushimiinari Shrine Naihaiden.

After the photos of rigor we go to the beginning of the path that will take us to the top and that will almost always be flanked by many toriis.

After a while advancing we reached the most famous and beautiful point of all, two parallel roads, both flanked by hundreds of toriis, completely glued to each other, so the visual effect is impressive.

When we have tired of taking pictures, and after a couple of passes on both roads, we continue to find the Fushimikandakara Shrine temple.

Now we continue climbing following the path, in which there is no possibility of loss since there is nothing more to do than go under the path of toriis while we enjoy them.

The time we find the lake Kodamaga-ike, which also found a small sanctuary, Kumatakasha.

We continue on route until we come to a crossroads where we will turn right, and on the way back we will take the other road.

A little further up we find a viewpoint of the city of Kyoto.

Now it's time to continue on the road by taking the detour to the right, which leaves us in another sanctuary, of which I only have the name in kanji, 三 ノ 峰 下 社.

Continuing the ascent, we arrive at the Ninomine Nakasha sanctuary, where we find one of the secondary summits of the Inariyama, but since I do not have the minimum prominence of 11 meters I will not count.

Then we find the top of the Inariyama (稲 荷 山).

Now it's time to descend, and again under the toriis we reach another temple, Mitsurugisha.

The trail follows a torrent, and you can see that many people do not pass through here, as it is much quieter and the vegetation looks much more exuberant.

After a while we reached a crossroads, at the height of the Fushimi Inari Taisha Gozendani Hohaisho sanctuary, where we decided to leave the main path to go to see some waterfalls that appear on the map.

We are moving forward, well attached to the channel of the ravine, but what is our surprise when we see that the trail is closed, because due to the typhoon days before it is in poor condition, so we have to retrace our steps.

We continue descending between toriis until we get back to the natural viewpoint, from which there are stairs that leave us in another small sanctuary, Kojingamine.

For the third time we arrived at the viewpoint, and now, we retraced our steps to the crossroads that we left behind at the beginning of the route.

Now the path immediately stops having the beautiful toriis of the beginning to go advancing between altars as it goes deeper and deeper into the streets.

After a while walking we arrived again to the place where we took the path of the toriis, so now we just have to retrace our steps to get back to the entrance of the temple.

Then I do a small summary of the numbers of the route:

Type of route: Circular
Technical difficulty: Easy
Physical difficulty: Easy
Distance: 17,51 Km
Highest point: 233 m
Lowest point: 31 m
Positive drop: 240 m
Negative difference: 240 m
Cumulative difference in height: 480 m
Ascending summits: 1
Time taken: 2 hours 20 minutes
Moving time: 1 hour 35 minutes
Average speed: 1.52 Km / h
Rhythm: 39:26 min / Km

You can see more details in the chronicle of my blog, in the link below.


PictographReligious site Altitude 135 ft
Photo ofOtorii Fushimi Inari Taisha

Otorii Fushimi Inari Taisha

Otorii Fushimi Inari Taisha

PictographReligious site Altitude 154 ft
Photo ofFushimi Inari Jinja Romon no Kitsune

Fushimi Inari Jinja Romon no Kitsune

Fushimi Inari Jinja Romon no Kitsune

PictographReligious site Altitude 155 ft
Photo ofFushimi Inari Shrine Gehaiden

Fushimi Inari Shrine Gehaiden

Fushimi Inari Shrine Gehaiden

PictographReligious site Altitude 161 ft
Photo ofFushimi Inari Shrine Naihaiden

Fushimi Inari Shrine Naihaiden

Fushimi Inari Shrine Naihaiden

PictographPhoto Altitude 188 ft
Photo ofInicio camino Fushimi Inari

Inicio camino Fushimi Inari

Inicio camino Fushimi Inari

PictographReligious site Altitude 194 ft
Photo ofFushimi Inari

Fushimi Inari

Fushimi Inari

PictographPhoto Altitude 213 ft
Photo ofFushimi Inari Taisha Shrine Senbontorii

Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine Senbontorii

Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine Senbontorii

PictographIntersection Altitude 195 ft
Photo ofDesvío derecha

Desvío derecha

Desvío derecha

PictographLake Altitude 241 ft
Photo ofKodamaga-ike Pond

Kodamaga-ike Pond

Kodamaga-ike Pond

Photo ofMitsutsuji



PictographPhoto Altitude 457 ft
Photo ofMirador



PictographPhoto Altitude 535 ft
Photo ofMirador



PictographReligious site Altitude 618 ft
Photo ofSantuario Shimosha

Santuario Shimosha

Santuario Shimosha

PictographReligious site Altitude 696 ft
Photo ofAinomine



PictographReligious site Altitude 754 ft
Photo ofIchinomine Nakasha

Ichinomine Nakasha

Ichinomine Nakasha

PictographReligious site Altitude 586 ft
Photo ofYakuriki no Taki

Yakuriki no Taki

Yakuriki no Taki

PictographReligious site Altitude 487 ft
Photo ofFushimi Inari Taisha Gozendani Hohaisho

Fushimi Inari Taisha Gozendani Hohaisho

Fushimi Inari Taisha Gozendani Hohaisho

PictographReligious site Altitude 573 ft
Photo ofKojingamine



PictographReligious site Altitude 252 ft
Photo ofMimamori Fudomyoo

Mimamori Fudomyoo

Mimamori Fudomyoo


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