
From Kiyomizu Temple to Suidoyama Lookout


Trail photos

Photo ofFrom Kiyomizu Temple to Suidoyama Lookout Photo ofFrom Kiyomizu Temple to Suidoyama Lookout Photo ofFrom Kiyomizu Temple to Suidoyama Lookout


Trail stats

1.37 mi
Elevation gain
364 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
364 ft
Max elevation
728 ft
Min elevation
440 ft
Trail type
June 16, 2014
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near Otowachō, Shizuoka (Japan)

Viewed 602 times, downloaded 0 times

Trail photos

Photo ofFrom Kiyomizu Temple to Suidoyama Lookout Photo ofFrom Kiyomizu Temple to Suidoyama Lookout Photo ofFrom Kiyomizu Temple to Suidoyama Lookout

Itinerary description

From Kiyomizu Temple to Suidoyama Lookout. Suidoyama is a nickname for the hill with reservoir tank for green tea plantation. The place has been known for the great view of the mountains around the place and the view of the city. It is also reacheable by bicycle. Its night view is wonderful as well. It is about twenty minutes walk from Kiyomizu temple. A bit too easy for a hike but running up to the hill could be a great exercise.
Photo #1: Kiyomizu Temple, the start of the hike
Kiyomizu Temple was founded by Gyoki in 725 earlier than that of the Kiyomizu Temple in Kyoto. It was moved to the present place after Shingen Takeda burned down the original temple two kilometers west of the current temple and was reconstructed afterward. The temple is the end point of the hiking trail starting from Rengejiike Park.
Photo #2: There is a climbing trail leading to the Reservoir tank peak close to the parking space of the temple. Go upward along the rightward agriroad.

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