
Alfarnate, Ruta de las Pilas, Málaga, Spain.


Trail photos

Photo ofAlfarnate, Ruta de las Pilas, Málaga, Spain. Photo ofAlfarnate, Ruta de las Pilas, Málaga, Spain. Photo ofAlfarnate, Ruta de las Pilas, Málaga, Spain.


Trail stats

8.23 mi
Elevation gain
1,289 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,289 ft
Max elevation
3,345 ft
61 4
Min elevation
2,875 ft
Trail type
4 hours 52 minutes
March 11, 2014
March 2014
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near Alfarnate, Andalucía (España)

Viewed 2637 times, downloaded 90 times

Trail photos

Photo ofAlfarnate, Ruta de las Pilas, Málaga, Spain. Photo ofAlfarnate, Ruta de las Pilas, Málaga, Spain. Photo ofAlfarnate, Ruta de las Pilas, Málaga, Spain.

Itinerary description

Fuimos con un grupito a hacer la Ruta de las Pilas de Alfarnate. Después de tomar un café en el pueblo empezamos la ruta pasando por la cooperativa agrícola Virgen de Monsalud. La primera parada ha sido para ver el Puente Romano conocido como "de los Dos Ojos". Queda poco del puente original. Continuamos por unas huertas de almendros y olivos hasta llegar a una bifurcación donde abandonamos la carretera rural tomando el camino a la izquierda que nos conduce a las Pilas del Cerezal. Andamos con el impresionante Tajo de la Palomera a la izquierda donde vimos muchos buitres volando y un ejemplar posado encima. Pasamos por las Pilas del Prado de Herrera, las de Barrionuevo y luego unas bañeras viejas puesto en forma de Pilas en un prado, para finalmente llegar a las Pilas de Castillejo a lado del Cortijo y el Bosque. Entramos en la carretera Alfarnate a Periana y después de andar unos 250m en ella tomamos una ruta a la izquierda donde hay un charco. Desde allí seguimos por senderos de campo, pasando por el Cortijo de Gastarreja, "la Charca", y debajo de la Sierra de Enmedio, hasta llegar otra vez en Alfarnate. Es una ruta cómoda y fácil, apto para todos. Hay vistas tanto interiores hacia el valle y exteriores del Tajo, la Sierra Enmedio e Pico del Vilo, yel mismo Alfarnate. Nuestro Guía fue Miguel Ángel Robles.

Our little group went to walk the Route of the Pilas (watering troughs for animals) of Alfarnate. After having our coffee in the village we started our walk passing by the Co-operative Virgen de Monsalud. Our first stop was to see the Roman Bridge of which little of the original remains. We continued through the olive and almond orchards until we arrived at a cross roads where we left the country road taking the path to the left which brought us to the Pilas del Cerezal (cherry orchard). We then walked with the impressive Tajo de la Palomera (the cliff of the Pigeon-breeder) on our left, where we saw many vultures gliding above us and one impressive example perched on the Cliff. We passed the Pilas del Prado de Herrera (Herrera's field), those of Barrionuevo, and later in a field some old baths laid out in the form of the Pilas , to finally reach the Pilas de Castillejo beside the Farmhouse and the Wood. We joined the Alfarnate to Perriana road for about 250m and then took a path to the left where there is a pond. From there we walked along country paths, passing the Gastarreja farmhouse, "la Charca" (the Pond), along under the Sierra de Enmedio (In between) until we arrived again in Alfarnate. This is an easy route suitable for all. There are interior views of the Valley and exterior views of the Cliff, the In-between Mountain, the Vilo Peak, and the village of Alfarnate. Our guide was Miguel Ángel Robles.


PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofInicioyFinruta


07-MAR-14 10:02:24

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,325 ft
Photo ofAltura 1013m

Altura 1013m

07-MAR-14 12:33:41

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,138 ft

pico 956

07-MAR-14 11:14:58

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,323 ft
Photo ofBañeras


07-MAR-14 12:26:10

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,225 ft



PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,097 ft



PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,142 ft

Charco 2

07-MAR-14 14:18:13

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,257 ft
Photo ofCastillejos


07-MAR-14 11:35:07

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,313 ft

pico 1010

07-MAR-14 12:15:46

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,209 ft

pico 978

07-MAR-14 11:23:29

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,236 ft

Pico 986

07-MAR-14 11:26:51

PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,981 ft
Photo ofPila Cerezal

Pila Cerezal

07-MAR-14 11:06:02

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,236 ft


07-MAR-14 12:08:36

PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,867 ft
Photo ofPUENTE



PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,268 ft
Photo ofSenalGastarrej


07-MAR-14 14:00:19

PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,919 ft


07-MAR-14 10:29:34

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft

Charco 1


Comments  (2)

  • Vince Harrison Nov 15, 2017

    I have followed this trail  View more

    I did the route clockwise. It is nearly all on good tracks with one very short overgrown section just after the third fuente. The waymarkers are missing or damaged in several places and it would be best to follow the route using a GPS, rather than relying on the route being clearly signed

    It's a very enjoyable walk in the middle of some stunning scenery.

  • Photo of murraydublin
    murraydublin Nov 15, 2017

    Glad you enjoyed the walk. murraydublin

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