
230831 Retorn de Petra


Trail photos

Photo of230831 Retorn de Petra Photo of230831 Retorn de Petra Photo of230831 Retorn de Petra


Trail stats

2.99 mi
Elevation gain
738 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
285 ft
Max elevation
3,379 ft
Min elevation
2,861 ft
Trail type
One Way
2 hours 13 minutes
August 30, 2023
August 2023
Be the first to clap

near Umm Şayḩūn, Ma’an (Jordan)

Viewed 8 times, downloaded 2 times

Trail photos

Photo of230831 Retorn de Petra Photo of230831 Retorn de Petra Photo of230831 Retorn de Petra

Itinerary description

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Walk to Petra, Jordan, having lunch.

The very interesting and more than recommended visit to Petra, homeland of the Nabataeans, which will not leave you indifferent or cease to surprise you at every corner. It is divided into three parts of which we put the third. The first part would go from the Petra Museum to Qasr al Bint, which used to be Petra's "shopping center" and restaurant. Next would come the ascent to the monastery, a route with more than 800 steps through which donkeys piloted by the Bedouins are constantly ahead of you, as well as the descent. The third and that we indicate here, having had lunch at Qasr al Bint, we begin the return to the coaches at the Petra museum. About 13 km in total.

After descending from the monastery with its 860 steps, we take the return route, passing the temple of the winged lions, the Byzantine church, the royal tombs, the Treasury, and the gorge. We had done this part the other way around in the morning.
to say that the signal is lost inside the jam, but hey, it has no loss!!!

Route from Qasr al Bint to Wādī Mūsá passing through:
- Temple of the winged lions
- Byzantine Church
- Djinn blocks
- Treasure of Petra
- Swallowed by Petra
- Petra Museum


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