
2014-08-31 Louis et Papa à 砧公園 & 馬事公苑


Trail photos

Photo of2014-08-31 Louis et Papa à 砧公園 & 馬事公苑 Photo of2014-08-31 Louis et Papa à 砧公園 & 馬事公苑 Photo of2014-08-31 Louis et Papa à 砧公園 & 馬事公苑


Trail stats

6.9 mi
Elevation gain
1,217 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,217 ft
Max elevation
423 ft
Min elevation
167 ft
Trail type
5 hours 44 minutes
September 2, 2014
August 2014

near Yōga, Tōkyō (Japan)

Viewed 532 times, downloaded 2 times

Trail photos

Photo of2014-08-31 Louis et Papa à 砧公園 & 馬事公苑 Photo of2014-08-31 Louis et Papa à 砧公園 & 馬事公苑 Photo of2014-08-31 Louis et Papa à 砧公園 & 馬事公苑

Itinerary description

Setagaya-ward parks

I first went to this park about 4 years ago and at that time I thought it was better suited for families so suddenly I remembered about it and took Louis there.
As usual he was sleeping when we got to the place so it gave me some time to read a few pages of the interminable book I'm currently reading.

Once awake we had lunch, incredible how easy it is when just the two of us. Then we played ball for a while and we moved to another spot but there were too many mosquitoes, recently dengue fever is occurring in Tokyo so I didn't want to stay longer.

After some time in the kids' playground from where Louis didn't want to move, I decided to go for the other park, at that time I had no information about it, plus its name doesn't show on

It turned out to be an equestrian park, open to the public a few month in the year. Everything revolves around the horses from the vegetation to the kids's structures and the statues. Apparently the horses can also be taken outside and be seen from the trails however we only saw one out and the others around the stables.

NB: there are no entrances at the West nor South of 馬事公苑. My smartphone is crazy about elevation gain, it was almost entirely flat so it shouldn't exceed 100m in total.

Overall the first park is good for families but rather common while the second is really unique and worth checking.


PictographTree Altitude 272 ft
Photo of馬事公苑 Photo of馬事公苑 Photo of馬事公苑


parc cheval


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