
Via Ferrata Cesare Piazzetta (Piz Boé, Dolomiti) 3/8/2019


Trail photos

Photo ofVia Ferrata Cesare Piazzetta (Piz Boé, Dolomiti) 3/8/2019 Photo ofVia Ferrata Cesare Piazzetta (Piz Boé, Dolomiti) 3/8/2019 Photo ofVia Ferrata Cesare Piazzetta (Piz Boé, Dolomiti) 3/8/2019


Trail stats

5.58 mi
Elevation gain
3,573 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
3,573 ft
Max elevation
10,315 ft
Min elevation
7,218 ft
Trail type
5 hours 48 minutes
June 15, 2020
August 2019

near Passo Pordoi, Veneto (Italia)

Viewed 1608 times, downloaded 66 times

Trail photos

Photo ofVia Ferrata Cesare Piazzetta (Piz Boé, Dolomiti) 3/8/2019 Photo ofVia Ferrata Cesare Piazzetta (Piz Boé, Dolomiti) 3/8/2019 Photo ofVia Ferrata Cesare Piazzetta (Piz Boé, Dolomiti) 3/8/2019

Itinerary description

Via Ferrata Cesare Piazzetta (Piz Boé)
Participants: Marta, Richard, Rob, Marti

8:20 Aparquem a la base del telefèric de Passo Pordoi (Usarem el telefèric per baixar) i comencem a caminar cap a l'Est per una pista asfaltada.
8:50 Arribem a un cementiri militar construït com a memorial. I agafem un camí que puja en direcció Nord.
9:30 Un cop al peu de la paret veiem que hi ha camins que van a la dreta, a l'esquerra o amunt. Anem a la dreta fins a trobar el cable i la placa d'inici de la ferrata.
9:40 Som al peu de la ferrata preparant-nos mentre esperem que passi la gent que està fent el primer tram.
11:55 Fem el cim de Piz Boé. Hi ha un refugi prou gran (Capanna Fassa) on serveixen menjar i un munt de gent que arriba al cim caminant per la banda que usarem de descens. Després d'admirar les vistes tirem avall.
12:55 Arribem al Rifugio Forcella Pordoi que es troba en un coll on podem baixar cap al parking a peu. Aquí nosaltres seguim recte amunt en direcció al telefèric, ja que la baixada a peu ens sembla molt dreta i poc atractiva.
13:10 Arribem a l'estació superior del telefèric. I fem una parada llarga per menjar i admirar les vistes.
14:10 Som al parking preparats per marxar.


8:20 We park at the base of the Passo Pordoi cable car (We will use the cable car on our way down) and start walking East along a paved track.
8:50 We arrive at a military cemetery built as a memorial. And we take a path that goes up in a northerly direction.
9:30 Once at the foot of the wall we see that there are paths that go to the right, left or up. We go to the right until we find the cable and the start plate of the via ferrata.
9:40 When we reach the foot of the via ferrata we start preparing as we wait for the people who are doing the first stretch to pass.
11:55 We reach the summit of Piz Boé. There is a large enough shelter (Capanna Fassa) where they serve food and a lot of people who reach the top walking on the side that we will use for the descent. After admiring the views we pull down.
12:55 After some walking we arrive at the Rifugio Forcella Pordoi which is on a pass where we can go down to the left to the parking lot on foot. Here we continue straight up towards the cable car, as the descent on foot seems very steep and unattractive.
13:10 We arrive at the top station of the cable car. And we make a long stop to eat and admire the views.
14:10 Reached the parking lot and we are ready to leave.

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PictographMountain hut Altitude 10,341 ft
Photo ofCapanna Fassa (3152) Photo ofCapanna Fassa (3152) Photo ofCapanna Fassa (3152)

Capanna Fassa (3152)

Capanna Fassa (3152)

PictographReligious site Altitude 7,329 ft
Photo ofCimitero Militare tedesco (Memorial) Photo ofCimitero Militare tedesco (Memorial) Photo ofCimitero Militare tedesco (Memorial)

Cimitero Militare tedesco (Memorial)

Cimitero Militare tedesco (Memorial)

PictographCar park Altitude 7,316 ft
Photo ofParking



PictographSummit Altitude 10,341 ft
Photo ofPiz Boé (3152) Photo ofPiz Boé (3152) Photo ofPiz Boé (3152)

Piz Boé (3152)

Piz Boé (3152)

PictographMountain hut Altitude 9,344 ft
Photo ofRifugio Forcella Pordoi (2848) Photo ofRifugio Forcella Pordoi (2848) Photo ofRifugio Forcella Pordoi (2848)

Rifugio Forcella Pordoi (2848)

Rifugio Forcella Pordoi (2848)

PictographWaypoint Altitude 9,678 ft
Photo ofSass Pordoi (Cablecar Station top) Photo ofSass Pordoi (Cablecar Station top)

Sass Pordoi (Cablecar Station top)

Sass Pordoi (Cablecar Station)

PictographWaypoint Altitude 7,333 ft
Photo ofSass Pordoi (Cablecar Station bottom)

Sass Pordoi (Cablecar Station bottom)

Sass Pordoi (Cablecar Station)

PictographWaypoint Altitude 8,694 ft
Photo ofVia Ferrata Start Photo ofVia Ferrata Start Photo ofVia Ferrata Start

Via Ferrata Start


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