Mount Cardigan
- Distance
- 3.63mi
- Elevation +
- 1240f
- TrailRank
- 34 4.67
Up South Ridge and down West Ridge is the way to go. This way you see the summit from a long way off. This place can get windy.
Up South Ridge and down West Ridge is the way to go. This way you see the summit from a long way off. This place can get windy.
Fantastic day to be out! Despite rating this "easy", due to many children, dogs, etc. there are some steeper areas and shoes/boots with good traction should be warn. The West Ridge trail (vs. the South Ridge Trail) was ...
We hiked Mount Cardigan near Newfound Lake in New Hampshire and visited the summit fire tower. (This GPS track is just the descent portion of the hike.) Click "View more" below for hike info.
Muy bonita ruta, ofrece mucho, vistas maravillosas en las cumbres. Ruta fácil muy bien marcada con opción de hacer un Loop. Las condiciones de clima y terreno pueden hacer la ruta moderada o difícil. Realizamos la ruta e...
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mowglis trail
Mount Cardigan loop
Up South Ridge and down West Ridge.
Up South Ridge Trail and down West Ridge Trail.
Firescrew and Cardigan from the north up Mogollis down South Ridge and Carriage Road
Up Westridge, down South ridge
Fire Tower top of Mt Cardigan
With my love
A great hint to help you choose your outdoor gear and clothing!
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