WCRVBB-21-ELBERADWEG - STAGE 11 -Melnik-Prague 60 km
- Distance
- 37.07mi
- Elevation +
- 791f
- TrailRank
- 41
More pics: http://hoves.rajce.idnes.cz/Odra_Nisa_Bike_Trail_-_Oder_Nei_e_Radweg_-_Szlak_Rowerovy_Odra_Nysa Journey back to Czechia: http://www.wikiloc.com/wikiloc/view.do?id=10891130 The trail hasn't been difficult i...
A beautiful trip through the South-East of the country. Enjoy beautiful palaces and Baroque towns. Because this is a relatively flat area, this trip is not very hard even though it’s a bit longer. Only the last bit is hi...
Czech Republic: Cheb - Karlovy Vary Following: Route 6 (yellow signs)River Eger/Ohre Sleep: Karlovy Vary Really nice track near the river Eger/Ohre, very close to it almost all the time. There are a lots of trees so it ...
A great hint to help you choose your outdoor gear and clothing!
Get Wikiloc Premium Upgrade to remove AdsCzech Republic to Germany: Děčín - Hřensko Following: Rute 2(yellow signs) until Germany after Elber Radweg Train: Bad Schandau to Dresden Sleep: Dresden Bike trail with pavement 80%, gravel 10% and rest in road. Reall...
CZ Litoměřice - Děčín Following: Rute 2(yellow signs) Sleep: Dresden Bike trail with pavement 75%, gravel 15% and rest in road, with heavy traffic. Really nice landscape with many places where to eat and drink. High re...
Close to Krkonošský National Park in the North-West of the country, this trip has great vistas all around.
This trip takes you from the campsite in Bityska (Brno area) to Rosice and Bystrc. It takes you through nice forests and natural areas.
Després d'uns dies de descans a Praga agafem el tren fins a Ceske Budejovice. Després comencem la curta ruta de tarda Ceske Budejovice-Cesky Krumlov. After a few days in Prague, we take the train to Ceske Budejovice. Th...
Not far from České Budějovice, in Bohemia, this trip takes you from the campsite in the village of Chvalsiny to the beautiful castle of Hluboka.
Track of 150 km from Prague via old track A24/A25 from Moldau Legii bridge via Narodni and Dolni Pocernice later on with cycletrack nr.1 well signed to Koerim and also after Kutna Hora to Sec part 1 of the cycleroute to ...
160 km a Cycle track nb 1 part from Sec via Hilsko, Heralec and Tisnov, later near Brno along Svratka to cycletracks nb.5 to the north to Blansko and till the south with cycletracks 4 and EV9 (eurovelo) to Vienna.Look al...
This trip runs through the South-East of the country, in the Brno area. It has some pretty hefty climbs, so be well prepared. The town of Znojmo is a gem with great vistas over the flats to the south.
Prague, Moldau Brug Legii vr(Narodni)to Brandys n/L and European cycle ring 3 of a Dutch cyclist organisation to end of old A24/25 near Dolni Pohernice vr tracks 258,14,8100 to Radonice and Brandys nad Labem over asphalt...
Prague to Zittau a/d Neisse via Brandys n/Labem -Mlada Boleslav part 1, part 2 from Mlada Boleslav easy till Klaster Hradiste, after that point light difficult and after Cetenov/ Osecna difficult till Donin. From Hradek ...
Cycletrack trough Prague over old A24/A25 till the start near Dolni Pocernice for track 1 to Brno or via A25, A258,14,8100 and 241 via Brandys n/Labem to Mlada Boleslav. I let out parts of the MTB tracks and planned the ...
Ahir varem anar a comprar algunes coses per esmorzar i poder sortir aviat, hem previst fer una bona tirada, avui i recuperar uns quants quilometres. En sortir del poble, entem el per que de tants hotels, a pocs kms, ens ...
Avui ha estat un dia complicat, nomes sortir de Mikulov, ja ens hem equivocat de cami i hem fet 1.5 kms de mes, un cop en el bon cami, prenem la direccio de Valtice, localitat on entrem per visitar el Palau i els seus ca...
Avui aorofitarem per sortir mes d'hora, no tenim esmorzar a l'hotel. El camí es com fins ara, camps conrreuats, verdor i aigua per tot arreu. Trobem un panell indicador de la ruta que seguim i d'una variant per la regió ...
Deixem la Republica Txeca i entrem a Àustria un dia plujós, el recorregut és Cesky Krumlov-Vissy Brod-Bad Leonfelden-Linz. We leave the Czeck Republik and we enter in Austria in a rainny day. The trip is Cesky Krumlov-V...
Plzen-Praha, comencem a pedalar des de Horovice després de sortir de Plzen amb tren ja que creiem que és la millor opció pel trànsit dens. We start to ride from Horovice after leaving Plzen by train because we think tha...
Pěkná trasa kolem řeky Berounky. V cíli občerstvení v cukrárně v Černošicích. Po cestě spousta občerstvení a výhledy na řeku. Pohodová trasa. Nice route around the river Berounka. Refreshments at the confectionery in ...
Aqui a Tabor, deixem l'itinerari nº 11 i prendrem el 1173, que segueix el riu fins a Plana, A partir d'ara anirem seguint el nº 32. Avui ens prendrem la llibertat de reatallar algun tram que s'allunya del nostre objectiu...
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