
Newlands Circuit, via Rhodes Memorial, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa



Trail stats

4.41 mi
Elevation gain
1,552 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,552 ft
Max elevation
1,529 ft
Min elevation
337 ft
Trail type
one hour 7 minutes
November 2, 2016
September 2016
Be the first to clap

near Nuweland, Western Cape (Republic of South Africa)

Viewed 356 times, downloaded 3 times

Itinerary description

This trail takes in a variety of Newlands and its trails and forests, from open wide trails to technical single tracks, crossing a few streams.

The track takes a flattish route to above Rhodes Memorial, and then up a technical single track to the Contour Path. From here it traverses to the Newlands Ravine intersection and then via a very steep technical downhill single track to the end where one started from.

This track was recorded in an anti-clockwise direction.

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PictographCar park Altitude 337 ft


Newlands Forestry Station

PictographIntersection Altitude 790 ft

Turn right

Down a small single track trail.

PictographIntersection Altitude 701 ft

Turn left

Up a technical single track trail.

PictographIntersection Altitude 1,224 ft

Turn right

Up a single track, stepped.

PictographIntersection Altitude 1,270 ft

Turn left

Sharply along the Contour Path.

PictographIntersection Altitude 1,231 ft

Start of Newlands Ravine

Go past the start of Newlands Ravine and the picnic bench and turn left down a technical single track.

Comments  (6)

  • loristrings Dec 2, 2016

    Thanks for sharing. When you say it is technical in parts, is a rope necessary? Thanks, Lori

  • Photo of Two Trailblazers
    Two Trailblazers Dec 2, 2016

    Hi Lori, No rope necessary, just technical underfoot. Enjoy!

  • Janu Engelbrecht Feb 28, 2021

    Is this mainly on the jeep track? Or not really?

  • Photo of Two Trailblazers
    Two Trailblazers Feb 28, 2021

    Hi Janu, Not really, most of the lower sections are jeep track, otherwise its beautiful single track along the Contour Path. Enjoy!

  • Janu Engelbrecht Feb 28, 2021

    Thanks, I loooove single tracks. My friend is really scared of snakes and gets anxious on single tracks where the path is not open. Can you recommend a route that just stays on the jeep track?

  • Photo of Two Trailblazers
    Two Trailblazers Feb 28, 2021

    I have been running in this part of Table Mountain since my childhood school days and I have never come across snakes, single or jeep tracks here. Nowadays, the mountain is extremely (more) busy and so the likelihood of your friend coming across snakes is significantly lower. Besides, my personal experience with snakes is usually found on jeep tracks, but that's just me. Have a look around my profile or see other tracks in the area on the right hand side of this page, but most jeep tracks are found on the lower slopes. But otherwise, your friend really has nothing to worry about. If anything, be more aware of crime, take along pepper spray, stay together, run/hike when its busy, take no valuables with and be aware.

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