
Dolnośląski Festiwal Biegów Górskich, Ultra Trail 68k, Lądek-Zdrój 20180721


Trail photos

Photo ofDolnośląski Festiwal Biegów Górskich, Ultra Trail 68k, Lądek-Zdrój 20180721 Photo ofDolnośląski Festiwal Biegów Górskich, Ultra Trail 68k, Lądek-Zdrój 20180721 Photo ofDolnośląski Festiwal Biegów Górskich, Ultra Trail 68k, Lądek-Zdrój 20180721


Trail stats

43.41 mi
Elevation gain
8,711 ft
Technical difficulty
Very difficult
Elevation loss
8,711 ft
Max elevation
3,533 ft
Min elevation
1,286 ft
Trail type
8 hours 28 minutes
August 13, 2018
July 2018
Be the first to clap

near Lądek-Zdrój, Województwo dolnośląskie (Rzeczpospolita Polska)

Viewed 471 times, downloaded 0 times

Trail photos

Photo ofDolnośląski Festiwal Biegów Górskich, Ultra Trail 68k, Lądek-Zdrój 20180721 Photo ofDolnośląski Festiwal Biegów Górskich, Ultra Trail 68k, Lądek-Zdrój 20180721 Photo ofDolnośląski Festiwal Biegów Górskich, Ultra Trail 68k, Lądek-Zdrój 20180721

Itinerary description

Great race in south western Poland, just at the boarder with Czech Republic.
The whole event consists of 7 races:
- the mighty 'Bieg 7-miu szczytów' , a 240km race (which is exactly the sum of the two later races)
- 'Super Trail', a 130km fairly hilly race
- 'K-B-L' , a 110km but a bit more flat race through the valley
- 'Ultra Trail' , a 68km loop race from Lądek-Zdrój (the one I took part in)
- 'Złoty maraton', a 45km ~marathon distance race with large portion of the route common with Ultra Trail
- 'Złoty półmaraton', a halfmarathon race, also largely common with parts of marathon race
- 'Trojak Trail', a quick 10km race to the peak and back to Lądek-Zdrój
- plus some fun races for kids and families...

This is probably the second biggest trail running event in Poland with the longest trail distance race (the 240km). It's growing very fast with ~3000 participants this year (from 1500 in 2017!!!). I can say only the best things about the organization and the route I ran.

As for the effort, I did exceptionally well until ~50th kilometer but had some fatigue and heat issues later on. All in all, I managed them fairly well and finished in 8:28' in 40th place overall - not bad...


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