
Ciaspole 9 : Sfinxul-Cabana Caramain


Trail photos

Photo ofCiaspole 9 : Sfinxul-Cabana Caramain Photo ofCiaspole 9 : Sfinxul-Cabana Caramain Photo ofCiaspole 9 : Sfinxul-Cabana Caramain


Trail stats

2.52 mi
Elevation gain
705 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
705 ft
Max elevation
7,247 ft
Min elevation
6,554 ft
Trail type
Moving time
one hour 33 minutes
2 hours 8 minutes
March 4, 2023
March 2023
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near Buşteni, Județul Prahova (România)

Viewed 170 times, downloaded 0 times

Trail photos

Photo ofCiaspole 9 : Sfinxul-Cabana Caramain Photo ofCiaspole 9 : Sfinxul-Cabana Caramain Photo ofCiaspole 9 : Sfinxul-Cabana Caramain

Itinerary description

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Excursion carried out in a frozen snowy environment, the use of crampons is recommended.

The Sphinx is not only in Egypt. And as for the splendid sculpture of Giza, also for the one found at over 2,200 meters above sea level, in a spectacular natural mountain theater, in a completely different corner of the world, there is no shortage of legends and mysteries. Of course, it is very reminiscent of the Great Sphinx of Giza. We are in the Bucegi Natural Park, in southeastern Romania.
It is one of the 27 national and natural parks in Romania and it is extraordinary to visit. Those who love high altitudes, trekking, even good food or simply immerse themselves in the majesty of nature cannot give up an excursion to the Bucegi Mountains, easily reachable by car from Bucharest in about 3 hours of travel, combining a visit other places of great charm such as the Sinaia Monastery and the Peles Castle.
We are in the Eastern Carpathians, in the Babel complex, on a territory that covers an area of 32,497 hectares and extends over three provinces: Dambovita, Prahova and Brasov. The name Bucegi has medieval origins and translates into beech forest, the tree essence that has conquered a large part of the area below a thousand meters of altitude. But in these parts you go up much more... The marvel is fully discovered by going up with the "telecabin" (as it is called here) which leaves from the village of Busteni to reach over two thousand meters high, skimming the rocks and peaks of magnificent trees that seem to be the sentinels of the mountain.

Also because, once you arrive at your destination, you just need to walk a hundred meters to find yourself in front of her: the Sphinx, a natural rock formation that some stories would like not to be due to the whim of nature and the wind that whips it in winter. In reality, its features are not immediately identified because it is necessary to admire it from the right point. And when you're in position you can't miss a moment of amazement. And yes: it looks very much like the Great Sphinx of Giza. From a purely scientific point of view we speak of a megalith 8 meters high and 12 wide, sculpted by the wind in a human head and in profile you can distinguish the eyes, nose and lips.
The myths. Inevitably, the legends about the rocks of this mountain plateau ended up transforming the Sphinx into a tourist attraction, thanks also to the first images that began to circulate, already a century ago. The first photograph would have been taken in the year 1900 (albeit from a different angle from today's images) while the name of the Sphinx - Sfinxul in Romanian - would have been affixed to the rock in 1936. A curiosity: according to tradition, its best profile is reserve on November 21, when the sun sets. In any case, with the snow or with the sun, it's always nice to admire it and fantasize about its origin.

Yeah, but what then are the stories circulating about its origin? The oldest legend has it that this rock would represent a supreme god worshiped in ancient times by Dacians or Pelasgians. Other stories speak of the Sphinx as an energy center used by aliens in ancient times. An irresistible mystical aura for those who are passionate about occult and paranormal science. So much so that it is not unusual to come across groups of people surrounding the rocky Sphinx in a circle holding hands trying to "capture" the energy that would be emanated. And some argue that in this place there is a very important chakra of the Earth. That's not all: another interpretation claims that near the rock there is a secret uranium mine that hasn't been used since the Second World War.

Someone did more: the Peruvian explorer Daniel Ruzo reported in 1968 that he had found connections and similarities between the Sphinx in the Bucegi Mountains and other rock formations in the Andes, a theory never sealed by the international scientific community.
Another story claims that under the Sfinxul there would be a 20 km long tunnel protected by a sort of energy shield, which in 2003 would have prevented the American and Romanian secret services from gaining access. Well, think of it as you like and choose the story that suits you best. But to do that you definitely have to climb the mountain and look closely at the rocky Sphinx. And then cast your gaze around 360 degrees: an infinite panorama will make you daydream. Perhaps this is precisely the secret of the rock with its nose, eyes and mouth… Seeing is believing.


PictographWaypoint Altitude 7,122 ft
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PictographWaypoint Altitude 7,139 ft
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