
1 Lombada Topo Sao Vicente



Trail stats

8.82 mi
Elevation gain
6,841 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
6,512 ft
Max elevation
4,934 ft
8 4
Min elevation
587 ft
Trail type
One Way
7 hours 2 minutes
February 22, 2021
August 2020
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near Ponta Delgada, Madeira (Portugal)

Viewed 46 times, downloaded 3 times

Comments  (1)

  • suavec Jun 6, 2021

    I have followed this trail  verified  View more

    Wouldn't say it's a run for 7h, as it took me 5h30m to do my 90% of the trail hiking normally. Te west-east straight near the peak but before the part common with the return are very bushy (very little of the path remaining) and slopy sideways (could use long trousers or legs cover for that part). Doable in reverse (that's how I did it) but this way is easy to lose the 'Poço das pulgas' waterfall way (happenned to me), as there's a very suggestive through path straight down, while the turn probably not so much visible. Near the end (beginning for me) was a steep ravine with a creek (a water pipe hangs above it) which is probably best crossed on the bottom where the creek is, as the rocks higher up don't give so many holds and chip away easily (i made the mistake to go there and it felt an unsafe climb).

    Views were nice coming down (up for me) while above 900 I had clouds.

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