
Magaguadavic lake


Trail photos

Photo ofMagaguadavic lake Photo ofMagaguadavic lake Photo ofMagaguadavic lake


Trail stats

13.31 mi
Elevation gain
909 ft
Technical difficulty
Very difficult
Elevation loss
909 ft
Max elevation
561 ft
Min elevation
189 ft
Trail type
18 hours 6 minutes
July 7, 2016
July 2016
Be the first to clap

near Magaguadavic, Nova Brunsvic (Canada)

Viewed 1128 times, downloaded 0 times

Trail photos

Photo ofMagaguadavic lake Photo ofMagaguadavic lake Photo ofMagaguadavic lake

Itinerary description

The water was sort of rough, but not bad. I got to Nova Scotia Island and camped out overnight (Awesome spot)!! I left in the morning and the waves were high...bad, but not scary. I got close to my destination, and the waves were small but very forceful. I went in the cove and messed around getting pics of all sorts of wildlife. I left the cove, and the waves were very strong. I pointed my bow to the island again, and the waves kept getting bigger and more powerful until I couldn't see over top of them anymore. The wave came under me, and I felt the kayak rise so far out of the water until I was on top of the wave, and then I had no place to go but down. I crested the wave, and it was like a slide going down....Over and over. I don't recommend this to anyone unless you're not afraid of huge waves and strong scary winds. Massive waves on this lake, and very scary. I'm just lucky I had a sit on top fishing kayak, or I would have definitely drowned in that water, because wave after wave kept filling my kayak. I even removed 4 of 6 scupper plugs for drainage, and even that wasn't very helpful! I don't think a splash skirt would stand up to this water at all. Be careful if you go!!


PictographWilderness hut Altitude 314 ft
Photo ofNova Scotia Island

Nova Scotia Island

I camped here until morning!


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