
Cima Grande di Lavaredo, Via Normale (Dolomiti) 29/7/2019


Trail photos

Photo ofCima Grande di Lavaredo, Via Normale (Dolomiti) 29/7/2019 Photo ofCima Grande di Lavaredo, Via Normale (Dolomiti) 29/7/2019 Photo ofCima Grande di Lavaredo, Via Normale (Dolomiti) 29/7/2019


Trail stats

3.58 mi
Elevation gain
4,793 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
4,793 ft
Max elevation
9,846 ft
Min elevation
7,608 ft
Trail type
12 hours
December 19, 2019
July 2019

near Giralba, Veneto (Italia)

Viewed 2214 times, downloaded 91 times

Trail photos

Photo ofCima Grande di Lavaredo, Via Normale (Dolomiti) 29/7/2019 Photo ofCima Grande di Lavaredo, Via Normale (Dolomiti) 29/7/2019 Photo ofCima Grande di Lavaredo, Via Normale (Dolomiti) 29/7/2019

Itinerary description

Cima Grande di Lavaredo (Via Normale)
Participants: Emanuela, Richard, Rob, Marta, Marti

7:30 Despres d'esmorzar al Rifugio Lavaredo agafem el cami cap a la Cima Grande
8:10 Arribem al peu de la via. Fins aqui es una tartera de roques inestables. Ens posem la equipacio i comencem a pujar en dos cordades. La via es facil tecnicament pero practicament no te equipacio exepte per les anelles per fer els rapels. Cal anar mol amb compte per no perdre la linea ja que podem acabar en llocs compromesos.
12:30 Fem el cim i parem una estona a menjar i esperar la segona cordada.
13:05 Comencem a baixar per on hem vingut
18:40 Som al peu de la via recollint el material
19:30 Arribem al refugi

Cal tenir en compte que els tracks en escalada no son fiables exepte per les aproximacions. Es recomanable anar amb un guia de la zona que conegui el cami i marqui el ritme per evitar que es faci tart.


7:30 After eating breakfast at Rifugio Lavaredo we start walking towards the Cima Grande
8:10 We reach the start of the climbing route. Up to this point it was a scree slope. We prepare our gear and start climbing in two teams. The route has an easy level, but there is practically no bolts except for the rappel rings. You need to be extra careful to avoid losing the right path, you can end up in dangerous places.
12:30 Summit of the Cima Grande. We rest for a while and wait for the second team
13:05 We start the descent following the same path as the way up
18:40 At the base of the route packing our equipment
19:30 We reach the refuge

It is important to note that tracks are not suited for climbing rutes (precision issues), except for the approach. It is recomended to go with a local guide that knows the way and sets the pace to avoid being late.

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PictographWaypoint Altitude 9,501 ft
Photo ofCengia anulare Photo ofCengia anulare Photo ofCengia anulare

Cengia anulare

PictographReligious site Altitude 7,579 ft
Photo ofChurch, Place of Worship Photo ofChurch, Place of Worship Photo ofChurch, Place of Worship

Church, Place of Worship

Church, Place of Worship Auronzo di Cadore, Belluno, ITA

PictographSummit Altitude 9,839 ft
Photo ofCima Grande (2999) Photo ofCima Grande (2999)

Cima Grande (2999)

Cima Grande (2999)

PictographMountain pass Altitude 8,645 ft
Photo ofForcella della Piccola (2635) Photo ofForcella della Piccola (2635) Photo ofForcella della Piccola (2635)

Forcella della Piccola (2635)

Forcella della Piccola (2635)

PictographMountain pass Altitude 8,825 ft
Photo ofForcella della Piramide Photo ofForcella della Piramide Photo ofForcella della Piramide

Forcella della Piramide

PictographMountain hut Altitude 7,694 ft
Photo ofRifugio Lavaredo (2345) Photo ofRifugio Lavaredo (2345)

Rifugio Lavaredo (2345)

Rifugio Lavaredo (2345)


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