
Zhejiang Moutain Hiker Guest House getaway


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June 6, 2009

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near Zhejitian, Zhejiang (China)

Viewed 2385 times, downloaded 3 times

Itinerary description

Hi there, want to try a lovely guesthouse in a wonderful valley, surrounded by forests and crystal clear rivers ? Don’t hesitate, pack and spend a night or two at the Hiker Guest House in Zhejiang.

Address :


电话/tel : 0571-63620608
邮编/ZipCode: 311323
72 Shishilong, Tongshan village, Maxiao County, Linan City, Zhejiang Province (close to Stone Great Wall ticket gate)

mobile of “Youyou” : 138 5718 6066

How to get there :

from Hangzhou, early morning, take a bus to 昌化 CHANGHUA, from the Hangzhou West Long Distance Bus Station (杭州长途汽车西站). They have a bus every 20min or something, and it starts at 06:40AM. (around 25 元, takes 1,5hrs)
From Changhua, take a cab directly to the hotel. Cost is around 80rmb. Takes 1hr.
Don’t hesitate to call the hotel with the taxi driver to confirm place and cost.
To save money, you can try to take a public bus from Changhua to Maxiao 马啸.

You should arrive at the hostel around 13:00.

How to come back :

Early morning, take public bus to Hangzhou just in front of the hostel. Departure at 06:00 AM. Arrives at 09:30AM in Hangzhou West Long Distance Bus Station.
Then take a cab to the train station.

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PictographWaypoint Altitude 430 ft

Bus Station2

2009-05-28 11:38:06

PictographWaypoint Altitude 932 ft

Hiker Hotel

PictographWaypoint Altitude 999 ft

Xiao Shi Men

2009-05-28 16:51:44

PictographWaypoint Altitude 26 ft

Bus Station1

west Bus Station

PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,054 ft


2009-05-29 13:54:44

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,253 ft

Da Shi Men

2009-05-29 16:39:48

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,428 ft


2009-05-29 16:13:27

PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,136 ft


2009-05-29 14:16:26

PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,268 ft

18 LongTang

2009-05-29 13:59:51

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft


2009-05-28 17:16:43

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,312 ft


2009-05-29 16:32:35

PictographWaypoint Altitude 705 ft


2008-09-14 17:51:26


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