
Žabljak - Podgora - viewpoint Tmorska Glavica


Trail photos

Photo ofŽabljak - Podgora - viewpoint Tmorska Glavica Photo ofŽabljak - Podgora - viewpoint Tmorska Glavica Photo ofŽabljak - Podgora - viewpoint Tmorska Glavica


Trail stats

5.76 mi
Elevation gain
404 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
390 ft
Max elevation
4,831 ft
48 4.5
Min elevation
4,517 ft
Trail type
One Way
Moving time
31 minutes
40 minutes
July 22, 2020
July 2020
  • Rating

  •   4.5 2 Reviews

near Žabljak, Opština Žabljak (Montenegro)

Viewed 2949 times, downloaded 111 times

Trail photos

Photo ofŽabljak - Podgora - viewpoint Tmorska Glavica Photo ofŽabljak - Podgora - viewpoint Tmorska Glavica Photo ofŽabljak - Podgora - viewpoint Tmorska Glavica

Itinerary description

Žabljak - Podgora - viewpoint Tmorska Glavica
From the center of Zabljak first asfalt, then from Podgora a forest/dirt road, can be done with regular car if you drive carefully. Not with rentacar because it's not allowed to drive off road, unless you rent an off road vehicle obviously.
The last couple of hundred meters, from the sign post is a forest trail. You might want to bring a stick, because the last part was partially overgrown.
You can also choose to leave the car somewhere in Podgora around waypoint 1 and walk through the forest.


PictographPhoto Altitude 4,665 ft
Photo ofBeginning of forest/dirt road

Beginning of forest/dirt road

Beginning of forest/dirt road, the end of asphalt in Podgora. You could leave the car here and walk all the way through the forest. Easy and and nice forest walk in the shade.

PictographPhoto Altitude 4,541 ft
Photo ofForest road

Forest road

PictographPhoto Altitude 4,522 ft
Photo ofSignpost car park Photo ofSignpost car park

Signpost car park

From here the forest trails goes up. Leave your car.

PictographPhoto Altitude 4,576 ft
Photo ofDense pine forest Photo ofDense pine forest

Dense pine forest

PictographPhoto Altitude 4,610 ft
Photo ofMoving towards the top Photo ofMoving towards the top Photo ofMoving towards the top

Moving towards the top

PictographPhoto Altitude 4,680 ft
Photo ofFlowers and Tara canyon

Flowers and Tara canyon

PictographPhoto Altitude 4,722 ft
Photo ofFoto


PictographPhoto Altitude 4,786 ft
Photo ofPeak Tmorska Glavica Photo ofPeak Tmorska Glavica Photo ofPeak Tmorska Glavica

Peak Tmorska Glavica

At the end (last 150m) I lost the signs, so there might be an easier path for the last 100 meters.

Comments  (2)

  • BartvdM Sep 26, 2021


    I have followed this trail  View more

    Nice route, easily possible with any 4x4. The last ~1km has to be done on foot (marked path) and the last few hundred meters are challenging (steep and overgrown), hiking shoes preferred. The view over Tara canyon is stunning!!

  • J.&C. Jul 13, 2022


    I have followed this trail  verified  View more

    Leuke tocht naar een heel mooi uitzichtpunt. Eerst nog asfalt, dan onverhard. Het laatste stuk rechts omhoog kan best uitdagend zijn. Wij waren alleen en hebben het gelopen. Het allerlaatste stukje moet je lopen, dit is slechts een wandel spoor. De beloning heb je als je de top bereikt.

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